Audience with the king

After 70 maps, ive seen it once. As soon as i entered the portal, got one shotted. Crap mechanic
after 500 Hours . not one seen.
800+ hours in the game including juicing maps and I've never seen one drop. Ever. Horrible RNG.

I have far better luck gambling with real money in a Las Vegas casino.
Made a decision today i bit the bullet pooled my currency and bought 2 audience with the king, cost me about 14.5 divs, beat him both times no belt drop, did 5 maps after points in tree audience dropped beast him again no belt 6 points in tree 5 rituals later an omen of whitling which pretty much paid for my 2 audiences.. seriosuly i love this game but it can be whack at times
Come on GGG this is getting stupid

Drop chance is abysmal ive ran almost 100 rituals with juiced towers and maps and never had it drop once thats just crap, what makes matters worse is the fact it drops way more frequently when you have 4 points in the tree so that those people can farm it, basically the rich get richer and the poor sit on the sidelines. why even bother putting the tree in the atlas for it if 90% of people cant get a single drop after 100 rituals. every other tree is achievable except that one

each map takes about 5 minutes to do but ritual tablets also drop rarely so you have to hunt the map and use what tablets you can get i have probablys 30 to 50 hours in just trying to get a drop for the actual fight as im not paying 16 divs for 2 audiances, wouldnt be so bad if the loot from rituals was canny but its 97% trash

sorry to sound heated but im getting kind of frustrated now ive set up 3x areas of 6 to 7 towers and every one has been a waste of time

Free pro tip - do not juice, just run.

T12, yellow. Aim for 15 per hour.
Pretty Horrible RNG
C4Guy#0918 wrote:

At least for items that are required for game progression like jeweller's orbs, tablets, higher tier skill gems, expedition logbooks, audience with the king invitations, etc. there should be some kind of "adaptive" RNG where the chance of a drop for each individual player increases the longer there hasn't been one.

500+ hours here and 3 chars lvl 90 not seen a single Perfect jeweller's orbs or audience with the king also.

I get the perk of increasing chance of audience with the king, and I have finished almost 300 maps since last update. Guess what, no valuable omens and only two audience with the king. I do appreciate the game design, nice job GGG.
500 hours, i think it is a myth created by GGG to troll us. The funny thing is that we need to defeat the boss to level up the mechanic, i wouldn't mind the boss items having lower drop rate, but at least let us level up the mechanic.
Terrible design.

I am just about lvl 96. Never seen one.

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