bad game bad support no recomendation anyone

still no response the mail its been more than 16 days I got 800 hours in this game I start playing since the first day and everyday this is a feedback for future players do not play and get this game cuz there is no support for any problems they not fixing your issues they dont care I do not recommend this game to anyone to play go play another one like knight or diablo will be better cuz the support will accutualy gonna take care about problems or atleast they gonna give you a response in 2-3 days maximum this is a total money steal devolopment Im so angry about this situation

update : they still not responded 06.02.2025

update I send a ticket 20.01.2025

still nothing

still same 11.02.2025 no response nothing they really killing the players game is gonna fall
Last edited by MictiaNN#6606 on Feb 11, 2025, 11:33:50 AM
Last bumped on Feb 11, 2025, 1:53:44 PM
MictiaNN#6606 wrote:
still no response the mail its been more than 16 days I got 800 hours in this game I start playing since the first day and everyday this is a feedback for future players do not play and get this game cuz there is no support for any problems they not fixing your issues they dont care I do not recommend this game to anyone to play go play another one like knight or diablo will be better cuz the support will accutualy gonna take care about problems or atleast they gonna give you a response in 2-3 days maximum this is a total money steal devolopment Im so angry about this situation

Honestly +1 I feel more or less the same way, though I don't think it's because GGG don't care, I think it's because they fundamentally designed a shitty product in PoE 2 and are literally unwilling to compromise in the ways that are required to make the game fun for a wider audience.

Refusal to adapt and instead doubling down on their "vision" is diggint them a massively deeper and deeper hole that will be impossible to climb out of after enough time.

I worry for the future and am disappointed that I purchased this game in an attempt to revitalize my love of ARPG's because this game COULD be fantastic if really, a very small bar was met when it comes to the devs lowering their insane egos.
they are just killing the players at the moment and they gonna kill the poe 1 too in this stiuation they gonna fuk up the bouth of the games they canteven doin simple thing like take care players support messages I never saw this 3 weeks and I cant able to play the game rightnow
I leave this here for you as information:
nah bro nobody eats that sht
Last edited by Redthorne82#3177 on Feb 4, 2025, 1:25:18 PM
MictiaNN#6606 wrote:
nah bro nobody eats that sht

Frankly, nobody cares if you believe it or not.

Besides a few ppl, the GGG support was considered really good for years.
That they have problems now solving tickets, especially when ppl "re-open/re-send" tickets over and over, while GGG has not enough staff, is reality and will be solved with some time.
I contacted GGG support on two occasions during 2024, and both times I received a quick and efficient response.

I know the sample is very, very small but

We know they're overwhelmed, and they've turned it into an apology video.

Wouldn't that explain why the medium is a bit of a mess? :>

They just need time.


[...]they have problems now solving tickets, especially when ppl "re-open/re-send" tickets over and over, while GGG has not enough staff, is reality and will be solved with some time.

Yup, +1.
Seems a bit harsh... I love this game even in its current state and its got a really good base to move forward with. It is early access after all. Thats to engage as many people as possible for stress testing and feedback. Yeah, I realize they made a lot of money with charging for access, but in my book they deserve it.

I've been involved in software support and development a long time (now retired) so maybe I have more empathy for their jobs than some, but to me it just seems normal when dealing with issues that come up, likely better than where I worked.

Right now they need to triage reported issues and address issues of the highest priority. To me that is clearly fixing these crashes that peg the CPU/GPU basically locking up the entire windows PC and improving any other stability issues. You can't move forward on a broken system. They likely have a large number of developers whose skillsets don't match those goals, which is probably why they were able to put out as much content in the 1.1 patch as they did. To accomplish so much in response to that feedback right after the holidays was very impressive. I think that shows a deep commitment on their part to make sure the game is fun and that we are enjoying it.

Regarding decisions on what to change as far as game systems or design goes, you would normally have someone collecting and organizing feedback, which in this case is probably a huge task. You can't just take the loudest feedback; you have to consider it all. This feedback would then be shared / discussed with design partners, which probably includes internal and external people like popular youtubers and streamers along with core internal resources such as feature/system designers, perhaps support and quality engineering as well, essentially anyone with valued feedback. Eventually a program or project manager or director would make the end decision.

Just because they don't make the change doesn't mean it's not valuable or that they are ignoring it. It could be they haven't concluded the process of deciding how to proceed. It could be that some planned feature is introduced in the rest of the game that adds context to the systems and as a whole it makes sense at that point.

It could be that right after stability they want to get the 2nd half of the content out to start getting feedback. The feedback collected during the first half might include things that they agree needs to be changed or that they are not completely set on, but perhaps it doesn't need to be fixed right away. It could easily be pushed until after higher priorities are done.

I'm sure it's hard to do early access on this kind of scale. If you let the feedback completely dominate development and fix everything now, then that's going to have a cost somewhere, likely delaying later phases of development or testing and shifting dates. Usually, you build in periods to address feedback along the way based on priority and any internal schedule you are trying to stick to, otherwise you would end up with a never ending project.

I guess this is my long winded way of saying give them some slack. Feedback is still being collected and analyzed, and they are probably still a year away from release. They have been quite open and transparent, which is refreshing. These things are difficult and if you have just been told by angry mobs that your ideas suck, lots of folks would push back hard. That they are willing to hear this and be willing to change course is quite good, even if it is with hesitancy and caution.

Also, if you make quick reactions based on immediate feedback and sway from your own vision, you could end up redoing systems multiple times based on how the wind is blowing now and in 3 or 6 months. That creates games like D4. Where you could argue the community made the design through the sheer force of the feedback.

Thats it for me. I look forward to the future of what POE 2 becomes. It's in good hands.


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