PoE 1 PC servers are restarting in:
They should be back up in approximately .
PoE 1 Xbox servers are restarting in:
They should be back up in approximately .
PoE 1 Sony servers are restarting in:
They should be back up in approximately .
PoE 2 servers are restarting in:
They should be back up in approximately .

Should PoE2 take the back seat?

After the recent announcement of GGG that all resources are still dedicated to PoE2 and no work is being done for the next PoE1 league.

One is to ask itself: did GGG really intend to continue releasing content for PoE1 in parallel to PoE2's existence?

Every PoE1 player and the community believed it...

Until this recent announcement. Even though GGG said they will still continue with PoE1, their actions indicates otherwise to the community who cares about PoE1.

Because now GGG told everyone, by choosing to continue focusing solely on PoE2, that PoE1 doesn't matter to them anymore.

At least this is how most PoE1 lovers understand.

You can watch Mathilication, Zizaran or Kripparian, and you will understand what the community thinks.

Giving the current state of PoE2, which is in open Beta (early access), and won't be finished in a year or two from now. I think PoE2 should take the back seat and focus should be put on the next PoE1 league.

My advice to GGG:

Do a one day meeting with everyone currently working on PoE2. Make a top 10 list of things to do with an estimate of how many 100s of hours to accomplish it.
Then let all the employees of PoE1 team go back to working on the next PoE1 league.

If GGG chooses not to give PoE2 the backseat. What will happen?

Well content creators will cease to play PoE2 and PoE1. The novelty of PoE2 will ware off for many players as the game will remain in an unfinished state for months.

GGG will loose money...a lot of money. But unfortunately that's how things go.

$$$$ Money talks $$$$

And nothing else matters....Sad if you ask me.
Last bumped on Feb 9, 2025, 7:20:42 AM
I would rather them focus 100% on PoE 2 at this point.

I strongly dislike what PoE 1 has become and how many systems it has. All the systems result in a very overwhelming amout of various loot drops and you spend far too much time managing all the loot instead of just playing the game.

If they wanna do 1 or 2 leagues a year for PoE 1 that would be fine, but the new game should be the priority and get it fully released with the other 6 classes and Act 4-6.
Or ... just backseat POE1, focus all resources into POE 2 and after 1.0 is out with all the content, then make POE 1 league.
As much as I love PoE 1, I think that GGG needs to focus on PoE 2 at the present time. It really does need a lot of work.

In the meantime, we are getting a one month event (which I will definitely be playing), and then there will be time to do other stuff in PoE 1 that needs tidying up.

Time for all of you who haven't done so to get your All Ears and No Stone Unturned achievements :P
I do not and will not use TFT.
Gaming Granny :D
What does it mean GGG have to focus on poe2? Do you guys understand that its not 2-3-6 months of work? The game complete on 20% is max. We dont have 50% of classes, 50% of acts ,50% of skills and the issue that all what we have is fcking WRONG and working in very bad way. We have again same issue like poe1 -tones of shit uniques. the good one like brassdome become a shit one . We have a lot(!) of bugs, crashes etc. Like almost every aspect of the game ,like craft or combat are wrong.

For example GGG wants that use a lot of skills without zoom zoom but at the same moment we have very limited numbers of usefull and valuable support gems for active skills -> Everybody still running 1-2 main button builds.

Craft is just random casino with very low variety of options(essence,aug, essence,ex-ex-ex) - thats it.

Endgame sucks.

Like this game in current state is very raw prototype. Its even hard to call ALPHA cause a lot of games in alpha tests are more complete then poe2.

They need atleast 2,may be 3 years to make it playable in a good way.

All what Jonathan did - is just forced EA to collect money and show to big bosses "im good project manager".

P.s. i dont like last years of poe1 for example i didnt support stupid decision to delete enchants without right balance around this cause in many builds enchants are core mechanic or very important and in other they were quite flexable.I liked them. Same with alternative gems delete a) Its stupid to delete own work on which you spend a lot of time and power b) It was good option for minmax 3) We lost a lot of architypes like poison sparks and didnt get this like transfigurated gem. Same with run button and skills - i loved Vortex autobomber like many other players and its gone because someone in GGG dont like it and he have lead position. Also dont like t17 maps idea

The current lead of GGG has no Vision to the future and 0 understand of what community want.
Last edited by Berzal#5810 on Feb 6, 2025, 1:04:40 AM
No idea why poe1 has to pay for the terrible management of poe2.

A game announced more than five years ago and in the current state is a financial black hole.

It will take more than two years to have a stable and complete version 1.0.0 and I'm not including a compelling skill tree here while being extremely generous about gem balance.

If they shelf poe1 for all that time they are digging their own grave. Tencent is watching them very closely indeed.
Second-class poe gamer
They need so much more time and developers to work on PoE 2 than on PoE 1.

Developement of PoE 1 is reduced massively for the last years, but GGG managed to keep a 3-4 month league cycle for some years.
That has been stopped.

Looks like GGG tried to fool PoE 1 players for months about PoE 1 future but noticed now they should make a new PoE 1 league.
(Shitstorm was too great.)

Real PoE 1 improvement would be better but less drops, better balancing for weak skills, ...
But that will never happen because of PoE 2.

I don't know how much work a new PoE 1 league needs - but I am sure it's less than GGG will spend on PoE 2.
I guess that will delay PoE 2 just a little ...
Last edited by Jerexil#5282 on Feb 6, 2025, 11:19:31 AM
How about both games have their own teams and none of them needs to take the backseat?
PoE2 is the future.

PoE 1 should go legacy maintenance mode.

Pour all resources into PoE 2 since it is the best game and the future of Tencent. (and so Jonathan doesnt have to make anymore im-being-held-hostage-and-im-being-forced-to-read-this speeches)
Marthuk#0788 wrote:
How about both games have their own teams and none of them needs to take the backseat?

Pretty much how it always should have been. PoE2 is a year or two from being playable and generating income again.

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