Thoughts on the upcoming month-long event?

They should have made it a full league. A one-off single-month "event" feels like they are doing the absolute bare minimum to placate people.
General discussion gaming forums are almost always a cesspit of ignorance and trolls.
They should have made it a full league. A one-off single-month "event" feels like they are doing the absolute bare minimum to placate people.

It's probably not just a one-month event. The initial announcement says;

We announced last week some unfortunate news regarding the timeline for 3.26.0 for Path of Exile 1. Coming out of that we have adjusted some of our internal resources to be able to provide you with some content to fill the time until that expansion arrives.

To start with we'll be running a one-month event that has some of our whacky ideas that never quite made it off the brainstorm board.

This event gives time for whatever small portion of "internal resources" was moved to PoE1 to figure out their next move. It's very likely that literally nothing was planned for PoE1 just a week ago when they released that "I'm sooooorry" - video, so expecting them to release a timeline for this event or plans for further pre-3.26 content right now isn't realistic.
They should have made it a full league. A one-off single-month "event" feels like they are doing the absolute bare minimum to placate people.

an event takes place alongside an existing league. This is the case, for example, with the Necro Settlers league.
This has never been the case and will probably never be the case for several simultaneous leagues.

Releasing a new league with the contents of this event would force them to close the Settler league first. And therefore take the risk of closing a league that technically works (I'm not talking about the ridiculous number of players) to replace it with a league that will probably have technical issues and above all will be fairly weak in terms of additional content.

As they don't have the time/resources to allocate to PoE1 on a long-term basis at the moment, it's much more viable to just release a quickly conceived event that's a little weak in terms of new content.

Any resources they can then invest back into PoE1 will be for the development of 3.26 and not for the back-up of a half-interesting event.
AintCare#6513 wrote:
pretty sure this will be something analogous to an anthology. they have bunch of already drawn out concepts they will just put into place, i have a feeling ascendecies are just one of them

A few years ago or so, GGG was going to redo the Ascendancies, but because they couldn't get the Ruthless Ascendancies changes done first, they didn't change the Ascendancies for anyone. (That really angered non Ruthless players btw.) Perhaps these are the ideas they originally had.
Last edited by jdp29#1389 on Feb 6, 2025, 7:19:51 AM
Just changing ascendancy text feels incredibly lazy.

We have a decade of AMAZING content sitting around waiting to be used again.

Run Scourge, TOTA, Crucible, Sentinel, Synthesis, etc. Or combo them if you have the dev time to spare.


I see it a bit differently. This is a good chance for GGG to show how they're gonna handle developing both games simultaneously. They could've just slapped a bunch of old league mechanics together and magnified their effect for band-aid content, no need to create something new from scratch.

If this turns out to be broken, low effort slop then that's a glimpse of what we can expect from the future of PoE1.

but you already know its not that right?

its not a full poe1 league being designed along side a full post launch poe2 league. neither of those things are going on right now so this isnt a glimpse of what that will look like in any meaningful way.

they said ok we will quickly throw together some broken jank from the cutting room floor to have a fun muck around event while we concentrate on developing the base game of poe2. expect it to turn out exactly like that imo.

expect the 19 ascendancies to be protoypes of POE2's that they didn't settle on, or got severely modified from.

they've probably been white boarding different ideas from "let your imagination go wild and we'll whittle it down from there" style brain storming sessions.

Its a normal thing to do in design meetings for lots of different companies.

yeah when i saw it me and my mrs both said ok so theyre either using it as an opportunity to test ascendancies for poe2 or theyre throwing in some poe2 ascendancies they already tested and pushed aside.

which is completely fine.

We'll see, i think they think they need a gimmick for us to be happy with a league and i don't really think that is true, most players understand about shifting development resources around but just want something to scratch the itch in the meantime.

yeah i think they should just have put up votes for peoples favourite league mechanics in the weekly news, made people feel like part of the process and they were getting what they want. on the back of that throw together 3 collections of hyped up old leagues and run them back to back for the next 9 months.

done, yeah ull get some people calling it lazy etc, but no matter what you do people will hate. it wouldnt have been any more hate than they will get for doing this month even and significantly less than what they got for saying poe1 gets nothing for the foreseeable future.

they could have just bought themselves 9 months clear air to develop poe2 for probably less effort than this month event will take?

its whatever to me i got 0 interest in playing poe for the next year or so, same with diablo 4. ill be back, still love the game but we got poe2, im doing a bit of d3 for my casual lolcoptering, i got plenty of other hobbies.

im happy that people got something tho.

I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
Imo if enough "whacky ideas" come together they could make a league out of it. I dont need a Settlers-Size expansion every time!
nobody gunna play it anyways...poe 2 is trash

the event is for POE1button so your post doesn't make sense.

also that trash sure does have legs, like 2 is still doubling and tripling up on D4's twitch viewers with D4 being a week and a half or so into a new league and POE2 being well into month 2. And thats without Mathil who I'm currently enjoying doing one of his occasional bouldering focused streams good times..

Just saying popularity of viewers doesn't really prove anything but it is interesting that a lot people people seem to want to watch "trash" than the competition.

GGG has to be pinching themselves what with the core POE1 zoomers who dislike POE2 not adding to POE2's numbers, strongly suggesting that they're a niche audience.
Pandering to players who don't want consequences for their mistakes is a perfect description of what went fundamentally wrong with D3 and 4.
If they wanted mindless mobile game time waster gameplay they sure did make some perplexing choices and marketing statements for 6 fucking years.
Last edited by alhazred70#2994 on Feb 6, 2025, 6:34:23 PM
They should have made it a full league. A one-off single-month "event" feels like they are doing the absolute bare minimum to placate people.

It's probably not just a one-month event. The initial announcement says;

We announced last week some unfortunate news regarding the timeline for 3.26.0 for Path of Exile 1. Coming out of that we have adjusted some of our internal resources to be able to provide you with some content to fill the time until that expansion arrives.

To start with we'll be running a one-month event that has some of our whacky ideas that never quite made it off the brainstorm board.

This event gives time for whatever small portion of "internal resources" was moved to PoE1 to figure out their next move. It's very likely that literally nothing was planned for PoE1 just a week ago when they released that "I'm sooooorry" - video, so expecting them to release a timeline for this event or plans for further pre-3.26 content right now isn't realistic.

I would love for you to be right, but you are far more optimistic than I've had the capacity for with these people for a while now. Their history over the past few years especially in light of everything we know now doesn't paint the best picture of their internal operations.
General discussion gaming forums are almost always a cesspit of ignorance and trolls.
More tolerant than optimistic. It's been disappointment after disappointment with the extremely rare happy surprise sprinkled in between since Perandus. What's one more?

nobody gunna play it anyways...poe 2 is trash

the event is for POE1button so your post doesn't make sense.

also that trash sure does have legs, like 2 is still doubling and tripling up on D4's twitch viewers with D4 being a week and a half or so into a new league and POE2 being well into month 2. And thats without Mathil who I'm currently enjoying doing one of his occasional bouldering focused streams good times..

Just saying popularity of viewers doesn't really prove anything but it is interesting that a lot people people seem to want to watch "trash" than the competition.

GGG has to be pinching themselves what with the core POE1 zoomers who dislike POE2 not adding to POE2's numbers, strongly suggesting that they're a niche audience.

Why are you still here? Off to the PoE2 forums with you, shoo.

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