Update on Path of Exile 1

Pohx saved us all
Legacy League plz
Logged in to say literal peak disappointment. At this point just abandon our game and open it for people to have complete overhaul community mods and free private servers.
raV#3445 wrote:
thats really cool but can we get a rough ETA ?

this month? next month ? in 2 months?

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Thank you for doing something with the game that literally built you.
Huge W, something new or wacky to tide us over is terrific!
You know what would be really awesome? If all the toxic doom and gloom POE 1 "supporters" were locked out of any of yall's content till 3.26. Any that trashed the devs and just spouted nothing but toxicity. (If you weren't toxic and just voiced your disappointment, this isn't targeted at you. But holy f*** were there some toxic sh**lords that need to learn some people skills and social awareness)

Good on you though GGG, this is awesome.
Hopefully some Ruthless adjustments as well? Since we have different ascendancies over there.
This kind of leagues but make it longer so you dont need to do much for longer timeframes. This can be a league for 2-3 months then new "whacky" league. PoE1 gets "new" league and you can work for PoE2 for 2-3 months win-win scenario.

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