POE1 has been killed before POE2 got anywhere release ready.. Overwatch2 moment
my impression from interviews with mark and jonathan, is, that poe1 is a "game by developers having a vision" and poe2 is a "game of developers understanding players and taking their views".
for example: poe1 was all about itemisation. which means items` worth and affixes and sockets. of course players hated that cause it slowed down upgrades. poe2 removed all that, catered to the player by making items basically worthless but what`s the target group for a casual game where you easily upgrade your gear? sure, ggg made rare items more sparse but wee all know that`s over in a year and if they continue that path, the next gen of ggg devs will also implement automated item trading which makes upgrading even cheaper. age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill!
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" Now that is a perfect summary! German saying: Schönheit und Funktionalität in Sekundenschnelle zu ruinieren, ist dem wahren Dilettanten keine Herausforderung!
torturo: "Though, I'm really concerned, knowing by practice the capabilities of the balance team." top2000: "let me bend your rear for a moment exile" |
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i didnt want to comment on POE2 - it is a matter of taste and preferences after all
but.. my reason why i do not like POE2 and have no intention of touching it again in the foreseeable future is that lots (and i mean LOTS) of design decisions were made completely parallel to what i find FUN. in my opinion, given my needs and expectations - most of POE2 design focused on tedium, friction, time tax and plain contempt for players time. when i play hades or super meat or noita - the developer's desire to make a fun game oozes from every f.. pixel. with POE2.. i just do not get that vibe past Act1 small shit like that horrible flask well. i know it rarely matters in the endgame and in general is not something that changes much. but it DOES change things and for the worse. that bollocks about immersion and stuff - please, just dont. multiple vendors? why? gamble based gear progression in campaign? you know that gambling is a horrific thing, right? that garbage mechanic of collecting 10s of bases just to 1-2-3 roll them and slowly sell 1:3.. like wtf? and it is not - unlike POE1 melee issues - just a numbers problem. it is a vision problem that reaches DEEP. the clown fiesta balancing, 1-button gameplay (POE never was THIS BAD like current meta POE2 builds.. seriously, POE2 is beyond broken at this point build and mechanics wise) - i do not care. the missing content - this is fine for EA, dont mind it at all but the artificial tedium and withholding any chill - i do. if others like it? have a great time. i will stick to POE, even SSF in a dead league, for as long as possible - because the foundations of this game are made of fucking fun-granite |
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It's...eerie as I made a thread with much the same thoughts and then saw this one.
POE 2 could be good. One day. But it's not ready for EA and DEFINITELY not justified in killing POE 1 by not doing more leagues until 2026. It feels like they're shunting people over to POE 2 to basically be beta testers for them by dragging their heels and almost certainly releasing a low effort, mediocre season next in the hopes POE 1 fans will get the message. |
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" Jonathan accidentally slipped and used past tense when referring to POE1. Look at the microexpressions that followed right after. That nervous smile of pleasure. He clearly despises POE1 and everyone who plays it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pj8FxWMf4V4&t=22m27s R0dHIGlzIGNyZWF0aXZlbHkgZGVhZC4gS2V5IHBlb3BsZSBoYXZlIGxlZnQu
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It's a pity that Jonathan wants GGG to be Blizzard so bad. PoE2 is like D3 to D2. The circle has looped. We need another "Chris Wilson" who wants the proper sequel to PoE to make a game to have hope.
All the good will Chris established is gone now. It's just sad that this is the loop. |
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Speaking as someone who doesn't see himself playing PoE2 in the long-term for several reasons (content isn't rewarding, game tries to be slow yet pushes timed leagues, you either get +rarity or get broke, summoning feels heavily "Diablo 3"-ify'd which is a huge problem for me since it's the same reason I jumped from D3 to PoE1 in the first place), I think an extended break from PoE1 is probably good to alleviate burnout. It gives me time to catch up on other games I have on steam that I'm otherwise too busy playing PoE1 to give them a moment's notice.
Jon acknowledges that GGG doesn't have the manpower to work on both games at once, but lots of people here are acting like the devs took PoE1 out back, killed it, and desecrated the remains by turning it into PoE2. Honestly I'm surprised they haven't expanded their studio that manages PoE2 while some of the lead staff in PoE1 oversees development to make sure it remains true to the original design. I think you guys may be overreacting a bit too harshly over this. I'm putting that very lightly, because my last post got deleted for being as harsh as some of the regular forum users here behave yet never get the same treatment. PoE players: Our game has a wide diversity of builds. Also PoE players: The [league mechanic] doesn't need to be nerfed, you just need to play a [current meta] build! MFers found strength in their Afflictions. They became reliant on them. I am not so foolish. Last edited by Pizzarugi#6258 on Feb 2, 2025, 9:39:56 AM
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overreacting.. maybe. but only maybe
ive spend over 20 years in IT industry in various roles - including managerial. what i KNOW is that once you put a project into the fridge (aka - dissolve the team COMPLETELY with no REAL skeleton crew/life-support plan) you might as well start deleting it restarting it - with new crew OR trying to bring old team back - takes months. and that is before you have to do inevitable 'catch up' with your tech stack upgrades (fixing CVEs). people, even top-tier engineers, forget intricacies of given code-base quickly, extremely quickly. and once that tribal knowledge is gone - it is GONE. and very expensive to get back. so yeah. if there is actually NOONE doing anything with POE at the moment, my experience tells me that GGG is going to face SERIOUS difficulties restarting development with any speed other bit of experience - engineers (and employees in general) do not like being tossed around between projects. it cuts into efficiency for BOTH teams, it destroys morale (one joined the company to do A and now is being told to do B or else.. that SUCKS on the receiving end) and any form of switching means lengthy induction process (or learning from scratch if the old team is gone) and if a company resorts to this type of hot-seat team management it means that the situation is dire, so do not expect leniency. you get impossible deadlines and pressure from the top. so yeah, i do not see it. it the POE is in the fridge it will most likely spoil. just like any bit IT project in history. it is pretty much always one-way journey |
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The problem here is that GGG didn't dissolve the original team. Jon said that he pulled the team out of PoE1 to work on PoE2, and also admitted that they have no experience with handling development of two games at once.
You can argue that GGG is having some serious mismanagement issues which I don't think any of the devs would disagree on, but claiming they're shelving PoE1 is an overreaction. PoE players: Our game has a wide diversity of builds.
Also PoE players: The [league mechanic] doesn't need to be nerfed, you just need to play a [current meta] build! MFers found strength in their Afflictions. They became reliant on them. I am not so foolish. |
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I would be buying MTX right now if I could actually use it, new poe 1 league would have been reason enough but now we dont even have that
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