Ahem, Can I have an apology from all the people that flamed me for saying GGG dropped POE1 support?

You don't know how development works on a game like this, nobody will want to work on poe1 after 9 months on 2, any balls in the air are dropped half the staff will forget the undoubtably bad interactions behind the scenes that actually make the content work and they will automatically balance things to the numbers they are used to (PoE2) not the curated numbers that are mostly good (PoE1)

This is tantamount to them dropping support, the fact they waited until the end of january to tell us that they weren't even working on it tells you how low on the priority list it is, don't forget they will have known this probably in November or earlier.

Basically pour one out guys and toast a great game
Asghaad#3967 wrote:
They haven't dropped PoE support.
PoE 2 has priority.

There will be a 3.26 league.

right so they havent even started on work that should have began back in July of last year ...

dont know about you but that sounds like they completely abandoned the development of PoE1 ...

Stop drinking the Koolaid and use your head. POE2 will never be "stable enough" to work on POE1 and assuming they would have permission to do so, by then the POE1 player base will be GONE and wont come back.
I would expect the community to do the same to GGG when they do eventually get back on track with PoE 1. This whole community is acting like a bunch of entitled little babies at the moment, it's really sad to see. Could they have handled this better... absolutely, but the way the community is reacting is just flat out awful.
I would expect the community to do the same to GGG when they do eventually get back on track with PoE 1. This whole community is acting like a bunch of entitled little babies at the moment, it's really sad to see. Could they have handled this better... absolutely, but the way the community is reacting is just flat out awful.

Yeah, I get it. How dare they be upset that they were repeatedly lied to and tricked into supporting a company under false pretenses only to be tossed aside by some Tencent bureaucrat that has never played a computer game in his life? No idea why they would be angry!

That is sarcasm, in case you missed it.

The people acting like jerks is GGG for lying to everyone.
Last edited by Kraythax#2592 on Jan 30, 2025, 2:59:17 AM
Basically pour one out guys and toast a great game

RIP. Killed by POE2 and a company (Tencent + GGG) that no longer cares about the quality of game it produces but rather the revenue it generates. Expect POE2 will NEVER be free to play. Count on it.
Last edited by Kraythax#2592 on Jan 30, 2025, 11:37:15 AM
kyobusa#3514 wrote:
They haven't dropped PoE support.

They have though

How? Jonathan said they intend to release 3.26 after 0.2.

And why should their word be taken for it? The word of liars shouldn't be trusted, but be gullible if you want.

And why should their word be taken for it? The word of liars shouldn't be trusted, but be gullible if you want.

Especially since it is obvious Tencent is calling the shots and after the POE1 player base has been gone and no updates for a year they will make the decision to end of life the game because of financial costs. They are NOT going to spend money on POE2 when they are focused on milking the driveby POE2 hordes.
No, because i am having fun since 2013 and you crying about few months is irrelevant. Have some decency ffs.
So did anyone apologize yet or no? I didn't read the replies.
The real problem is there are still people that believe 3.26 is coming in 3-4 months...

Jonathan explicitly said that 3.26 is delayed until AT LEAST a few weeks after POE2 0.2 release, and if you look at his body language and listen to his tone, it's obviously going to be delayed until at least POE2 1.0 release.

Are they really going release 3.26 in late 2025 or early 2026? Do you genuinely believe that? I think they'll just quietly announce POE1 development has ceased at some point in the next 6 months. And that would be the ultimate betrayal, because they should be honest and just tell us that right now.

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