A Message to Path of Exile 1 Players

Perq#4049 wrote:
rvpsnz#5300 wrote:
it is absolutely hilarious, how POE1 fans , abusing their good will and trust, were made to pay for POE2. " I trust em, they are fine, here is 30 bucks and kick me in the ass, thank you."

Yeah my guy, this is exactly how it works - you spend 30$, so now you get to decide how they spend YOUR money. Because you didn't actually spend it on anything - you invested it.

I do wonder if you use same logic when you get paid for whatever you're doing (if you're actually doing any work). Are you sending spending reports every month to your boss, so that he boss can chose what you can and cannot buy?

Jokes aside, you guys are so entitled I'm not sure if trying to explain it to you will do anything.
GGG is open about what actually happened, they don't want to lie to you and what you do is cry your fucking eyes out in a tantrum worth a 7 year old who didn't get a candy.
I suppose if they just lied to you and told you that they're working on the league and that is slightly delayed and then delay it for however long would work better for you. Oh, wait, that is exactly what everyone else is doing.

GGG: We will continue PoE1 development by having 2 teams. We love PoE1 and dont want to do our playerbase dirty!

Players: Cool, we trust you!

GGG: Just kidding, we actually didnt even start developing on next PoE1 update and didnt tell you for months, so you would buy our yearly supporter packs, lol! There is only a PoE2 team now!

Players: Thats not what youve been promising us for years though, this sucks!

Perq: You are entitled crybabies!

Waiting 10+ months (at least) for an update, when regular updates are 3-4 months is not a "slight delay".
Last edited by Marthuk#0788 on Jan 31, 2025, 8:24:37 AM
Perq#4049 wrote:
valarias#5872 wrote:
valarias#5872 wrote:

Yep end result is literally diablo 4, gameplay wise and qol decisions, it will end up with majority preferring and sticking with poe1 unless they continue to maintenance mode it until everyone quits poe1 and poe2 entirely.

Posted back in 2023, Call me Nostradamus.

Get your head out of your ass first. None of these happened.
If anything I can call you an anti-nostradamus - anything you predict will be wrong.

You want a little steak with that salt?
Perq#4049 wrote:
valarias#5872 wrote:
Perq#4049 wrote:

GGG is open about what actually happened, they don't want to lie to you and what you do is cry your fucking eyes out in a tantrum worth a 7 year old who didn't get a candy.

I Loled.

'Dont want to lie to you' =/= havent been lying to you for years about multiple major decisions.

i lOlED.

what are you even talking about, what the fuck

Do we need to literally quote the devs saying that Poe1 and Poe2 are the same game? Do we need quotes of them saying Poe2 will not affect Poe1 development? Do you need to be force fed the most basic information available?
Marthuk#0788 wrote:

GGG: We will continue PoE1 development by having 2 teams. We love PoE1 and dont want to do our playerbase dirty!

Players: Cool, we trust you!

GGG: Just kidding, we actually didnt even start developing on next PoE1 update and didnt tell you for months, so you would buy our yearly supporter packs, lol! There is only a PoE2 team now!

Players: Thats not what youve been promising us for years though, this sucks!

Perq: You are entitled crybabies!

Waiting 10+ months (at least) for an update, when regular updates are 3-4 months is not a "slight delay".

Have you watched the video? They fucking admitted they made a mistake. And yes, saying shit like "I spent 30$, I get to decide how it is spent" is entitled as fuck
Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance.
Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge.
Now i can be proud that i don't own any badges, throwing your money at companies always ends poorly.
I understand the disapointment, even the the anger. But the way the "discours" (d)evolves right now gives me this impression: Not GGG is the problem. It is the community. Or what I hope only a (VERY) vocal minority is.

To everyone who is loosing his shit right now (I am definitly not adressing frustrated players but the toxic and vile stuff going on): You really think you get what you want by threatening, insulting and by being just outright mean and complete hyperbolic? We still are still spoiled, they are still listening - even apologizing in a rather humble way, compared to the rest of the industry.

But sure, burn another one and see where it leads us all.

By the way, the question was rhetoric, nobody must feel incentivized to answer. I won't return here anyway. I will rather play both games and simply have fun.
valarias#5872 wrote:

Do we need to literally quote the devs saying that Poe1 and Poe2 are the same game? Do we need quotes of them saying Poe2 will not affect Poe1 development? Do you need to be force fed the most basic information available?

All of these has already been addressed by them, multiple times.
You do not understand how development of anything works, so I won't bother trying to explain.
Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance.
Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge.
Perq#4049 wrote:
valarias#5872 wrote:

Do we need to literally quote the devs saying that Poe1 and Poe2 are the same game? Do we need quotes of them saying Poe2 will not affect Poe1 development? Do you need to be force fed the most basic information available?

All of these has already been addressed by them, multiple times.
You do not understand how development of anything works, so I won't bother trying to explain.

When i see a helicopter crashing into a tree, i dont need to be a pilot to know that its not supposed to be that way.
Perq#4049 wrote:
valarias#5872 wrote:

Do we need to literally quote the devs saying that Poe1 and Poe2 are the same game? Do we need quotes of them saying Poe2 will not affect Poe1 development? Do you need to be force fed the most basic information available?

All of these has already been addressed by them, multiple times.
You do not understand how development of anything works, so I won't bother trying to explain.

Claiming something is explicitly not happening multiple times and then reneging on that well after the fact is not a part of any standard development cycle infact if you were to develop in that manner after having told stakeholders you would likely be liable for fraud.

And as a professional Software Developer and former Network Engineer I understand the ethical and legal implications of both, so get out of here buddy.
"improve the structure of our studio"


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