XP penalty on death is stupid, especially on consoles

Console is a shitty tool to play (most) games with. ARPG is one of the most.
Get a PC, mouse and a keyboard.
I'm not trying to be mean here, but honestly it's like trying to chop wood with a sword. It's not a good tool for that. Get an axe, you will have a better time and keep the sword for things better suited for it.

As for the deaths.. 95% of them are deserved. But I agree with you that the game does a poor job in explaining that to players. I often don't know what killed me and have to pay a real close attention to understand it and fix that layer of defense.

Actually console is amazing tool to play ARPG, if this ARPG is well design and has solid performance. I've played D2R on console for 700 hours, and D3 more than 1000 hours. PoE2 team just did awful job regarding consoles. I can agree that you will be less efficient in inventory management and SOME builds can be difficulty to play well, BUT in 90%+ cases ARPG's are very good to play on consoles, if the game designed well.

You're confusing consoles with controller. Controller does feel good for ARPGs. However, your examples are D3 which came out on PS3-era consoles 18 months after PC release, and then next-gen (where it didn't feel actually shit) a year after that. D2 is literally a graphical mask over a 20 year old game.

PoE2 is trying to DEVELOP console alongside PC which I can't say I've seen ARPGs do much, and I think we're seeing the reason.

I can't see they are TRYING tbh, they even can't rename "ESC Menu" button on the consoles. I bet that we have just raw PC build with couple of UX/UI reworks and that's it. Zero optimization.
Same thing here bro. At some point GGG will understand they made a huge mistake. But, it will be too late.

why would they? there is like 200 people yelling into the void on the forums about this , while 200k + people are just playing as it is , and an endless stream of people writing "OMG GGG YESS YOU ARE THE BEST" when they do anything bad or good . nothing is gonna change.
I have given up on console for most every game now. I've always been a console gamer first and foremost, with PC just for strategy games.

Nearly every cross-platform game that is developed on PC is a dumbed down version. Controller support on PC is on a par with console now.

Consoles are only decent spec for around a year after launch (and the current gen, not even that). Better to pay twice as much for something that will last an entire generation. This might be Xbox last generation as consoles simply can't compete with PC in the gamer market.

In the last 5 years or so, first party games have been going downhill, fast. Only first party game I've bought new since I got a PS5 was astro bot. That's 3 years of almost nothing. Everything else is either hero shooter or ubisoft clone.

Console makers want your money without providing anything. Paywalled multiplayer access for a game that is not on Sony servers. I would buy death stranding 2 but I'm not paying an extra £60 to make it playable
nitefox1337#3569 wrote:

XP Loss on Char death is the only "End Game" they could come up with.

This is literally in PoE1 and has been for over a decade. It has nothing to do with the minimal endgame.

nitefox1337#3569 wrote:

It's obsolete, stupid, irrelevant.

The trifecta of useless opinions!

nitefox1337#3569 wrote:

Forcing "Hardcore" on casual players is not an End Game. Players just abandon the game and go play Marvel Rivals. (steam charts).

Not hardcore, stop being disingenuous. It's not meant to "be the endgame" and take a quick lesson about correlation vs causation before you try to say that Marvel Rivals is the direct competitor of PoE2 ffs (Actually got a good laugh out of that)

If you want the truth, and you feel you ready for it. See the link above regarding one death maps and XP penalties.
nitefox1337#3569 wrote:

It's obsolete, stupid, irrelevant.

The trifecta of useless opinions!

At least he didn't say "disgusting"
nitefox1337#3569 wrote:

It's obsolete, stupid, irrelevant.

The trifecta of useless opinions!

At least he didn't say "disgusting"

Still hoping for the quadrafecta...one day...*wipes tear* XD

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