Almost 65 days over 2 months waiting for support

Like always just posting this so other people have a realistic idea of how long you could be waiting.

Been waiting since November 21st 2024 for my mtx transfer from Xbox to Pc.
Luckily my issue isn't as bad as others but it still sucks waiting this long.

Yeah we know how busy you all are we've seen the updated announcement still think the queue isn't working right but it is what it is.

As always stay sane exiles!

Last bumped on Jan 25, 2025, 11:42:01 PM
Hey there, if you have sent an email to us at we will be sure to get back to you as soon as we can. I apologise for any further delays in the meantime.
Been waiting since launch of POE2 EA for support to help link my microsoft account to my poe account, i even bought separate xbox and pc keys as per GGGs instructions tk be able to crossplay. I habr NEVER in my 20+ years of gaming seen this aggregiously poor customer service. Not even activision has this utterly trash customer support.

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