Completing Ascendancies Should Not be a Despised Experience

Quick Fix: Take honor out of boss fights. Give 5 choices instead of 3 in trials.

Long Fix: After quick fix is implemented, work on a new system that has ascendency specific challenges(or at least class-specific). When finished, leave in these two terrible methods for folks to farm if they prefer(buff rewards, imo).

Love this idea. Should be explored. Doubt anyone cares about this tiny thread though, heh.

lets see your relic loadout first before any further discussion

Pluhs won
Mash the clean
Dilbert3#2461 wrote:
2) Some people in this tread say they actually ENJOY running the trials, so the issue doesn't seem to be the mechanics themselves, despite what my initial impression was. No solution to suggest here. If you're having fun running trials, have at it, but having all 8 ascendancy points needs to be a palpable, realistically achievable goal for every class.

That's because there's a key difference between engaging in a bit of content because you want to do it, and because you feel you have to do it.

Like I don't mind either trial, bugs aside, as an idea. And I could see myself running them for fun. But I don't, because I despise them due to being tied to ascendancy. And there, it becomes a very frustrating situation where you take a character that is still leveling, gearing up, into a situation where to get core class functionality (because where you start on the passive tree isn't a class, not for real-real). Where it takes a big amount of time, only to get nothing due to RNG.

So while the trials need a little tweaking, but Ascendancy needs to be mostly decoupled from trials, other than maybe doing a single one to let you pick your ascendancy. That isn't too much of an issue, as the first one is the least time intensive and the easiest to overlevel/gear.

And so while the devs have this idea that players will feel a sense of achievement from obtaining all the points, the reality is that carrying services will (and already do) abound, as players circumvent an un-fun mechanic, the same way they resort to trading to overcome PoE2's lackluster item drop situation. And somehow, "I just bought it" isn't something that brings most people pride.
Last edited by Axterix13#5693 on Jan 27, 2025, 12:15:13 AM
Dilbert3#2461 wrote:
2) Some people in this tread say they actually ENJOY running the trials, so the issue doesn't seem to be the mechanics themselves, despite what my initial impression was. No solution to suggest here. If you're having fun running trials, have at it, but having all 8 ascendancy points needs to be a palpable, realistically achievable goal for every class.

That's because there's a key difference between engaging in a bit of content because you want to do it, and because you feel you have to do it.

Like I don't mind either trial, bugs aside, as an idea. And I could see myself running them for fun. But I don't, because I despise them due to being tied to ascendancy. And there, it becomes a very frustrating situation where you take a character that is still leveling, gearing up, into a situation where to get core class functionality (because where you start on the passive tree isn't a class, not for real-real). Where it takes a big amount of time, only to get nothing due to RNG.

So while the trials need a little tweaking, but Ascendancy needs to be mostly decoupled from trials, other than maybe doing a single one to let you pick your ascendancy. That isn't too much of an issue, as the first one is the least time intensive and the easiest to overlevel/gear.

And so while the devs have this idea that players will feel a sense of achievement from obtaining all the points, the reality is that carrying services will (and already do) abound, as players circumvent an un-fun mechanic, the same way they resort to trading to overcome PoE2's lackluster item drop situation. And somehow, "I just bought it" isn't something that brings most people pride.

Very well spoken. You managed to echo some of the thoughts I didn't have the eloquence to voice out properly.
Safe to say that I agree with everything you said, especially towards the end, as it hits close to home.
I have never traded a single item in either PoE iterations, and have practically played SSF 8 years straight. If there's one thing I severely despise in GGG's "vision", it's their refusal to implement accessibility and quality of life options that would streamline the experience.

I simply LOVE PoE 2's campaign, and I'd run it with every single class ad nauseam, but then I remind myself that these trials exist.
Personally, it completely demotivates me from trying to get the 7th and 8th points, because I remember just how soul-crushing the last experience was.

>destroy every single floor/wave
>enter bossroom

Ah well; I'm sure this is going to be addressed next patch!

*inhales copium*
I stopped leveling characters.
If they did an economy reset today and fresh start.
I don't know if i would play, id be tempted but would probably pass.

Im not going to replay seasons with trials .
I despise them.
The stuff i want to type here... id be banned in a second.

Find the delete key, use it!

It blatantly favors non melee classes.
I need to walk up to the mob and hot glue myself to it's ass.
Im not Pew Pew from the corner of the screen.
I walk into the explosion radius
I walk into the "Sometimes Explodes" effects
I walk into the On death effects .
Im in the Temporal Bubble.
Im hugging the mob with extra crits extra attack speed.
I stand there winding up right beside the mob for 1.2 seconds.
I need 2 seconds to escape the AOE.
I need to run all over the screen chasing down the archers shooting at me and retreating.
My whole build concept is to surround myself and AOE.. that aint working

WTF are ya thinking!

You might as well force me to unallocate skill points at every room.
Its a hour long deconstruction of a character until they totally suck!

Im triggered when i even see a post.
I have gotten to the point i login , think about trials i need to do , and go AFK
Last edited by Jitter912#4278 on Jan 27, 2025, 4:37:53 PM
I stopped leveling characters.
If they did an economy reset today and fresh start.
I don't know if i would play, id be tempted but would probably pass.

Im not going to replay seasons with trials .
I despise them.
The stuff i want to type here... id be banned in a second.

Find the delete key, use it!

It blatantly favors non melee classes.
I need to walk up to the mob and hot glue myself to it's ass.
Im not Pew Pew from the corner of the screen.
I walk into the explosion radius
I walk into the "Sometimes Explodes" effects
I walk into the On death effects .
Im in the Temporal Bubble.
Im hugging the mob with extra crits extra attack speed.
I stand there winding up right beside the mob for 1.2 seconds.
I need 2 seconds to escape the AOE.
I need to run all over the screen chasing down the archers shooting at me and retreating.
My whole build concept is to surround myself and AOE.. that aint working

WTF are ya thinking!

You might as well force me to unallocate skill points at every room.
Its a hour long deconstruction of a character until they totally suck!

Im triggered when i even see a post.
I have gotten to the point i login , think about trials i need to do , and go AFK

Ouch! I feel you, my guy.

I'm sorry to hear about what you're going through and it does resonate with me.
I think, for your sake, you might want to take a break for a day or two and come back with a fresh perspective. Right now, I don't think it's worth spending your time getting exponentially more frustrated.

That said: good luck out there, Exile!
I completely agree did a 10 trial chaos tonight only to find out I need to more to get my points. So frustrating this shit should have been left in Poe 1. Trial master and the sanctum could have just stayed there both were shit design in Poe 1 and I skipped them all the time. Come up with a new system and leave the Poe 1 stuff there. The trial of chaos are over tuned and we’ll sanctums are boring. Why not put the 4th ascendancy if the maps on the atlas . We have lots of maps to search make it hidden until say certain number of maps or at the end of some random tower. Or how about complete 20 towers or something like that. Give us something to work towards while mapping. Currently doing T15 and enjoying them but doing the chaos trials 2 more times min is not enjoyable at all. Forced content like chaos and sanctums sucks.
The fact that this is what we have after IZARO is INSULTING TO IZARO's legacy. Absolutely dog ascendancy mechanics, I really hope this is another half-arsed thing like the endgame, just rushed out to have something and the actual ascendancy mechanic is still worked on.

There's no character, no wow effect to the Sekhema and Chaos trials. This can't be it.

And that's just to start on this subject. I honestly try not to even think about it much in-depth because I feel like I'll get an aneurysm or something.

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