Temporal Bubble on Bosses (in boss arenas or tight spaces)

Hear me out.

I played 230 hours of PoE2 early access and overall I love the game to death. It has it all. Good level design along with good boss mechanics and the always beloved PoE2 character progression. Didn't had a game in a long time which had me going nuts in this positive kind of way.

I am playing melee monk level 89 with all elemental resistances maxed out, 67% evasion and 1315 energy shield (with additional grim feast stacks I get to around 2-3k). I have 4 support gem slots on all the skills I am using and I even improved the quality of my 2 main damage skills to 20%. All my gear is level 70 and higher with 20% quality. I am sitting at 1804 hp right now.

Now to my general problem:
I am mapping for quite some time now. I found all the citadels with the help of the new update (big thank you for that change) and immediately set off to progress even further in my journey to the unreachable perfection which is PoE2.

So far I *tried* the Iron and the copper citadel. In both cases I had an pretty easy life journeying through the tight passageways to the boss. As soon as I arrived at the boss it was a whole different story.

At Jamanra in the copper citadel I could already see from afar that she had the temporal bubble affix. This affix was a pain in the ass since the beginning of my journey. So far with mobs I either tried to avoid it or I made myself room to kite it out and kill it at the right opportunity. But with bosses in tight areas I couldn't even dish out the dps to seriously try to take them down.

As you probably can imagine I died. Bad Luck I thought and ventured forth. As I arrived to the iron citadel and faced Doryani I was challenged with another temporal bubble. I. Stood. No. Chance. And I died. Again. I didn't want to believe it and went to the internet to read about the temporal bubble and enlighten myself exactly what its function is.

If it is designed that it blocks damage from the outside why the **** is it punishing me with the chill debuff(1) AND longens my cooldowns up to 50% of its max while forcing me into melee range?

This thread is more of a rant from my side than a discussion that I want to lead. I tried to describe the necessary character stats as detailed as possible so you have a bit more of a context while reading this.

(1) Chill: Targets move slowly for two seconds, this includes movement speed, swing speed, and skill casting speed. Chill can be stacked to slow the target up to half their usual speed.
Last bumped on Feb 19, 2025, 8:28:30 PM
Bumping until they decide to classify Temporal Bubble as a Slow so we can counter it with defensive stats.

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