What do standard players think of POE1?
Non standard players keep out. your opinion doesnt matter here.
When i was heavily invested in POE1, i only played temp leagues only to enrich myself in standard and to bring back league exclusive gear back to standard. temp leagues were hit or miss. at times if i see that theres nothing too important to bring back to standard, i ll just skip the league entirely. settlers is my "most favoured" and at the same time not eager to see coming back in my 10 year poe "history". it rewards players from all levels for effort they put into the game. its highly profitable and even scrubs can end up with mirror shards. in my 10 years of playing i only ever had 1 mirror shard drop. but in settlers i have at least 4 mirror shards. if i still was interested in poe1/standard, the extra duration given to settlers is a huge boon. i would be able to farm up mirrors! instead i see many people complaining about how the devs have "given up on poe1" etc. to me this should definitely affect temp league enjoyers and i can understand why they would feel that way. but what about you standard enjoyers? do you feel the same? or it doesnt effect you? as for myself, whenever a league i enjoy gets extended i actually enjoy it immensely. back in harvest i played until the servers got shutdown (wanted to fix my craft sobs). i thoroughly enjoyed sanctum and affliction and would preferred if the leagues were longer. i imagine i would be playing the shit out of settlers if i still enjoyed poe1. so what about you guys? is it all doom and gloom or business as usual? [Removed by Support] Last bumped on Jan 26, 2025, 9:55:27 AM
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I am very selective about which leagues I will play. I enjoyed (and am still enjoying) Settlers, but a lot of what came down the pike didn't appeal to me. That's where Standard comes in. I play leagues to accumulate loot for Standard, which is where all my toys are. =^[.]^=
=^[.]^= basic (happy/amused) cheetahmoticon: Whiskers/eye/tear-streak/nose/tear-streak/eye/
whiskers =@[.]@= boggled / =>[.]<= annoyed or angry / ='[.]'= concerned / =0[.]o= confuzzled / =-[.]-= sad or sleepy / =*[.]*= dazzled / =^[.]~= wink / =~[.]^= naughty wink / =9[.]9= rolleyes #FourYearLie |
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Are you a standard player, If you play on temp leagues? It is like two timing.
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" Meh. The reason most league-exclusive players avoid Standard is because they cannot bear too look at ALL the Remove Only tabs which have accumulated in their stashes over the years. =^[.]^= =^[.]^= basic (happy/amused) cheetahmoticon: Whiskers/eye/tear-streak/nose/tear-streak/eye/
whiskers =@[.]@= boggled / =>[.]<= annoyed or angry / ='[.]'= concerned / =0[.]o= confuzzled / =-[.]-= sad or sleepy / =*[.]*= dazzled / =^[.]~= wink / =~[.]^= naughty wink / =9[.]9= rolleyes #FourYearLie |
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" I would argue that temp league players shouldn't have free storage on standard league. It should be marked for deletion after some time if they don't remove it and store it in their normal stash tabs. A lot of stored data are unused. Digital waste impacts businesses financially. GGG didn't think that is a problem. |
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" lol believe me when i say MOST of the time when i play a temp league i really HATE it. to me its a sludge that i go through because of the rewards they give. personally the first time i jumped in was in the middle of darkshrines. not because i had any interest, but to see how feasible it was with my time investment. it was a tester because i wanted to jump into talisman which was already revealed at the time. talismans were a HUGE ass boost to any standard player. thats where i whore'd myself out to temp leagues in exchange for power. i can even list down every single league i jumped into and the reason why. Beyond - I wanted an edge of madness to bring back to std for skin transfer. played extra safe. dropped a chaos orb, immediately bought the cheapest one on trade and got out. Darkshrines - first time properly jumping in but to test the waters as mentioned Talisman - First actual league that i played with "proper effort". also now that we're talking about it, i remember now what i was aiming for, natural heirachy. on surface level for a newbie its good. but its actually only good if you have a lot of conversions and double dip on em. never actually got it. and the talismans i got were pretty meh tbh. couldnt beat 70% crit multi legacy ammies. Perandus - Went in coz of the MTX rewards (got the weapon effect) Prophecy - Same thing + i wanted a void heart. (am a proud owner of a legacy void heart), but didnt get the monkey pet (i m weak) Harvest - DO i even need to tell you why i m here? If you notice i didnt mention synthesis, its coz i loved flicker strike. synthesis is not flicker friendly and in fact anti flicker. ragequit synthesis so hard so fast. Scourge - wanted a high roll scourged starforge and perhaps some epic scourged uniques. ended up with nothing. Sanctum - wanted to bring sanctified relics. unfortunately GGG poofed it. thinking about it i m still salty about it. tho it was the first league that i started to enjoy the league mechanic. what i liked is we can supplement lack of good gear with player skill, and you didnt need MF to gain divines. Crucible - hnnngh.... ironically i spent hundreds of divines trying to make a good crucible tree but as the league was closing to an end i bought this at 21 divines from another player and divined it in std later. i love that i got this sword but hate the hell out of the league mechanic. Affliction - came for the charms and tinctures which got poofed. first time felt poe was fun due to the power creep gained from the second ascendency and tinctures. but i got to keep awesome TWWT jewels. Settlers - CURRENCY and FUN. the melee buff is a huge game changer. its the MOST FUN I VE HAD IN POE in my entire "POE career". speaking of which, despite saying i ll not touch poe1 ever again, i feel like i should at least try it out when my characters transfer to std. Other leagues were all try a bit and quite or "get the nice mtx that is not too difficult and quit, or outright skips. beyond the few i mentioned. i really HATED the hundreds of hours i spent in temp leagues. its literal work. but standard characters got to eat baby. got tons of "perfect jewels" and legacy stuff now. [Removed by Support]
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" dont remind me............ it reminds me of why i rage quit legacy league. so much micro management. [Removed by Support]
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everything overnerf - game is hardly enjoyable even in std anymore.
jugger nerf so half my chars get raped from elemental dmg in t17. some changes to passive tree i guess(more nerf) so i have to redo most chars... rage glove nerf so half my chars not functional anymore. looks dead game to me. better luck on poe2. |
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" ooof... talking about nerfs. reminds me about how we lost all the alt quality gems and how ggg just went ahead and updated some cluster jewel nodes, which retroactively made my very valuable cluster jewels just drop in value. they could have retained my rolls as a legacy variant but no. [Removed by Support]
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Every league, standard chars become obsolete. It's more hassle to fix broken chars than to just reroll a new char in a new league.
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