Arbiter of Ash is the worst fight I have experienced in any game ever

First is the mandatory super move speed requirement that requires you to change your build which already feels bad. Then there is so much RNG in mechanics placement that it's just incredibly unenjoyable.

I wish this fight would get completely reworked because I just hate it and I don't care about citadels anymore either since I know I will not beat this boss.

I can handle breach, expedition and ritual bosses without any problem. Delirium is hard but doesn't feel frustrating and unfair like Arbiter.

And I don't want to have to cheese the fight by killing him in 5 seconds or permanently freezing him or whatever because it's clearly not what was intended for this fight.
Last bumped on Feb 21, 2025, 7:57:24 PM
You should see searing exarch with his rollyballs
You should see searing exarch with his rollyballs

The difference is: You can die 6 times and your progress on boss damage stays. I believe if you have only 1 attempt on searing exarch most people would not get the 4 voidstones.
Tungdîl#4170 wrote:
The difference is: You can die 6 times and your progress on boss damage stays. I believe if you have only 1 attempt on searing exarch most people would not get the 4 voidstones.

Probably accurate yeah. The quest version of exarch can fairly easily be muscled over once you progress your character enough, but the rollyballs are nasty af.

As a minion enjoyer I do hope nothing similar to exarch gets added where my minions set off stuff that explodes over half the screen like that (minions vs exarch in poe1 is guaranteed death on exarch due to the rollyballs blast radius).
Having to react in 0,5 seconds to some foggy aoe where failure = instant death is pretty shit tbh. The corridor animations also trick you into running in the wrong direction sometimes and there is no time to correct.
Agreed. Arbiter seems to belong in maple story with all the crappy 1shot mechanics. Bou built slow and tanky? too bad, this boss is for quick bois. Go play monster hunter wilds.
In all seriousness, now that I've tagged him at least once, the only part of the fight I strongly object to is the phase 2 beam/bomb combo. After the game language in phase 1 teaches you to go stand in all the circles, it feels like an incredibly cheap "gotchya", just like Catarina with her swarm of shiney skulls you are supposed to step on to avoid a gigga one shot in a game genre that teaches you from the very first step into any title to not stand on unknown shiney things.
Tungdîl#4170 wrote:
You should see searing exarch with his rollyballs

The difference is: You can die 6 times and your progress on boss damage stays. I believe if you have only 1 attempt on searing exarch most people would not get the 4 voidstones.

"To address the problem of only having one attempt at the Arbiter of Ash Boss fight, you will now have up to five respawn attempts at this fight."
"To address the problem of only having one attempt at the Arbiter of Ash Boss fight, you will now have up to five respawn attempts at this fight."

I would suggest comparing post dates in both the quote and your link.

Context is important.

Edit: addendum: in fairness post dates don't give the full context either was still prior to the patch iirc. Point is its an older post.
Last edited by Bigwilleh#1842 on Jan 28, 2025, 12:53:06 AM
Yeah, it's the same shit as with Sirius again. Most of the game's bosses are at least somewhat fair and then GGG brings in the absolute worst design for the final boss. Sirius was one of the reasons I stopped playing PoE a few years back...

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