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0.1.1 Patch Notes

Trash patch. Keep nerfing Supercharged slam. As a matter of fact, just delete it from the game at this point and save yourselves from having the balance it, as if it needed any more nerfs.

Amazing vendetta against warrior you have right there. Ruin melee in poe2 just like you did in poe1 for more than a decade. "We designed poe2 to balance melee better" was such an amazing bait, well done balance team. It's like playing poe1 from 3y ago, opypasting the exact same mistakes with magic find, melee and casters infinite loops but i guess nothing tops off destroying one of 6 ascendancy classes.
Poggerssssss. Login.
Amazing patch in short time ! For minions and others problems, they can't fix everything that quickly, don't worry, it will come..!
Trash patch. Keep nerfing Supercharged slam. As a matter of fact, just delete it from the game at this point and save yourselves from having the balance it, as if it needed any more nerfs.

Amazing vendetta against warrior you have right there. Ruin melee in poe2 just like you did in poe1 for more than a decade. "We designed poe2 to balance melee better" was such an amazing bait, well done balance team. It's like playing poe1 from 3y ago, opypasting the exact same mistakes with magic find, melee and casters infinite loops but i guess nothing tops off destroying one of 6 ascendancy classes.

Bro they need to just delete melee this is shameful and oh nerf infernalist even tho its fun yeah we all just wanna spam lightnign skill poe is a shame of what it used to be i miss when it wasnt 3 builds that were good and rest trash but here we are mid game mid devs going back to rivals this game aint it no more
and they said you all were on vacation. LOL

Boy were THEY Wrong.

I am ready! LET'S GO!

Waiting reopen
MonstaMunch: "You're just jelly because you can't afford to mirror my rod. It's 100% reel."

GooberM: "How does that not warrant a good ol' stabby-stabby?"

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