looks like PoE 2 will have killed PoE

POE1 players literally funded the development of PoE2 that wasnt even directed at them.
GGG Founders sold all their shares in march 2024, Tencent want just a cash machine with this "PoE for casuals"...
I feel betrayed and scammed...

Talamor1#0630 wrote:

does it say in my signature that I find PoE 2 difficult? the answer is no... read again my friend.

If the game was difficult but not frustrating, I'd certainly enjoy it.
Not like i enjoyed PoE1 but it'll be ok, game looks good.
If the game is just frustrating, difficult or not, I'm not really interested.

i don't find it hard, i find it frustrating because it's bland and tasteless. it's beautiful but so slow and empty compared to PoE1. No link with any kind of difficulty. which explains my signature...

Don't waste your time, that's a troll.
Talamor1#0630 wrote:
Ashyev#5110 wrote:
Talamor1#0630 wrote:

does it say in my signature that I find PoE 2 difficult? the answer is no... read again my friend.

i don't find it hard, i find it frustrating because it's bland and tasteless. it's beautiful but so slow and empty compared to PoE1. No link with any kind of difficulty. which explains my signature...

Poor attempt at backpedaling .
All of the ragebait that has been uttered since day 1 , all these threads are still here of PoE 1 players who did quit because it's too difficult-frustrating-punishing , not enough loot , too slow and not enough zoom zoom .
So far none of this criticism demonstrated PoE 2 was meant with casuals in mind but whatever , nobody expect honesty from haters lol .

I'm sad for you that you feel the need to belittle my comments rather than put forward real arguments.
However, this comment is pretty much on the same level as all the others you've been posting on the forum for several days now...

and it just goes to show how much you read every review I post before commenting.

I literally wrote in my previous post that :
“Personally, I find Poe2 a perfect introduction to PoE1.”
"Having the possibility of running the two games in parallel, with alternating leagues between 1 and 2, would be a dream come true.

On condition that the endgame is reworked for 2, and the graphics engine for 1. From that point on, I'm pretty sure that the number of PoE1 players would increase even more than in previous leagues, and that many of those who were hooked on PoE2 would be tempted by PoE1 at every league launch."

try to annoy other people, you're wasting your time with me

And i saw your recent activity as well ; that newly-found benevolent act of yours was not on the menu back then wasn't it ?

Don't bother responding , it was rhetorical .
"Go buy a supporter pack and I might take you seriously." ~ Generic PoE whale

ICE BELL RINGER ~ Endgame Farming ~ Pinnacle Eraser ~ Gamepad Gameplay ~ Low Budget ~ 0.1.1 Version
Yea. I think they will have to admit it sooner or later.

They obviously have no enough resources for 2 games
Yea. I think they will have to admit it sooner or later.

They obviously have no enough resources for 2 games

They probably have enough resources but would likely prefer to develop for the $30 early access PoE 2 vs the free to play PoE 1. Also, GGG would likely prefer to keep PoE 2 in early access as long as possible. I wouldn't be surprised if GGG charged $60+ for the full game plus a yearly expansion. D4 shows that the ARPG market supports this pricing.
8 mod maps are the new alch and go.
I wouldn't be surprised if GGG charged $60+ for the full game plus a yearly expansion. D4 shows that the ARPG market supports this pricing.

Most of the POE2 playerbase is so "devoted" (for lack of more colorful words) that they would gladly accept a $60 entry fee for a product that would brick their PC in poor performance every 5 minutes. Within that bricked downtime they would go to Zizaran or another streamer's video comment section with proud proclamations of "D4 BAD".
Last edited by mnieradko#6070 on Jan 16, 2025, 5:44:48 PM
Talamor1#0630 wrote:

does it say in my signature that I find PoE 2 difficult? the answer is no... read again my friend.

If the game was difficult but not frustrating, I'd certainly enjoy it.
Not like i enjoyed PoE1 but it'll be ok, game looks good.
If the game is just frustrating, difficult or not, I'm not really interested.

i don't find it hard, i find it frustrating because it's bland and tasteless. it's beautiful but so slow and empty compared to PoE1. No link with any kind of difficulty. which explains my signature...

I hardly doubt it.
POE1 has so much more content and the atlas tree is unified instead of the trash they did separating each content.
I got 340+ hours in POE2 and never killed one boss cause of how horrendous the atlas design is. And don't get me started on the one life per map bullshit.
At least in POE1 I can chose freely what I can spec into and got tons of points to distribute. It's such an amazing Atlass tree compared to the sequel.

It seems difficult for some of you to understand that POE 2 is in "development" to compare it to POE which has 12 years of added content.
It seems difficult for some of you to understand that POE 2 is in "development" to compare it to POE which has 12 years of added content.

How long do you think PoE Deuce has been "in development?"

Chris Wilson announced PoE 2 (in its original concept as an expansion, and not a separate game) at Exilecon in 2019. Development did not start at that moment; I would estimate that at least two years had already gone into initial development. Furthermore, we know from interview footage with Jonathan Rogers that treating Poe 2 as a separate game was decided about a year after that initial announcement.

So, the game currently in EA has been in development for at least eight years. ='[.]'=
=^[.]^= basic (happy/amused) cheetahmoticon: Whiskers/eye/tear-streak/nose/tear-streak/eye/
whiskers =@[.]@= boggled / =>[.]<= annoyed or angry / ='[.]'= concerned / =0[.]o= confuzzled /
=-[.]-= sad or sleepy / =*[.]*= dazzled / =^[.]~= wink / =~[.]^= naughty wink / =9[.]9= rolleyes #FourYearLie

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