I wish PoE 2 didn't exist.

I just wish they never gaslit us into thinking there'd be 2 games to bounce between; Red Team vs. Blue Team; Mark vs Jonathon; Competing visions; Endless stuff to do, etc.

Last edited by AboveAverage#2434 on Jan 14, 2025, 1:18:42 PM
bro poe1 still exists you can still play it. its right there.
No thanks, will never play poe1 again.

Poe2 20000022929299 x better, even in early access.
So play poe1? You guys don't want poe1, you want "new stuff that makes poe1 interesting" but it has too many diminishing returns. Only so much you can do 95% of the same crap in poe1 over and over each league before people tune out.

Settlers was successful because of all the poe2 hype buzzing around at the time, that's the final truth.
As a new player who have just played little of PoE1 i welcome this alot.


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Wellcome POE 2 to my life
b_ko#7756 wrote:
So play poe1? You guys don't want poe1, you want "new stuff that makes poe1 interesting" but it has too many diminishing returns. Only so much you can do 95% of the same crap in poe1 over and over each league before people tune out.

Settlers was successful because of all the poe2 hype buzzing around at the time, that's the final truth.

Literally playing PoE 1 right now. Fact.
PoE 1 is the best. PoE 2 is something.
If GGG will be so stubborn on PoE2 many ppl will be stick to PoE1 and community will be heavy split. It's not good situation.

PoE1 needs slightly better graphics and a bit simpler to understand crafting, not permanent ruthless mode. Splitting community is very bad.
b_ko#7756 wrote:
So play poe1? You guys don't want poe1, you want "new stuff that makes poe1 interesting" but it has too many diminishing returns. Only so much you can do 95% of the same crap in poe1 over and over each league before people tune out.

Settlers was successful because of all the poe2 hype buzzing around at the time, that's the final truth.

Literally playing PoE 1 right now. Fact.

Same. Vanity projects full speed ahead :)

Though b_ko's point is ridiculous anyway. There is a reason that GGG does leagues and Standard isn't the standardbearer (ironic). A 6-month-old league gets stale and the Settlers-Necro league was a strange Frankenstein's monster that never should have happened. I personally hated Necropolis.

Not everyone wants to play after accomplishing all their goals in a specific league. New league mechanic also gives something new to play with to help avoid the same thing every time.
Thanks for all the fish!
PoE 2 is just not an upgrade... i really hope 3.26 comes out next month

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