Fellow Colour/Color-Blind Exiles Unite!

I wanted to compile a post to assist GGG in addressing areas where we, the color-blind community, encounter challenges. This effort aims to facilitate targeted changes that address our specific needs, rather than implementing broad accessibility options.

As someone with red-green color blindness, I find it impossible to see the weapon passives for weapon 2 on the passive tree. This issue is frustrating, as I can only identify them by switching to that weapon. Even then, I struggle to differentiate between the normal node lines and the green ones specific to the weapon 2 tree.

I encourage others experiencing similar issues to share them here. This collective input may alleviate the burden on the one developer at GGG who is color-blind, sparing them from identifying all the challenges alone. Thank you!
Last bumped on Jan 28, 2025, 2:05:54 AM

Just saw this and would like to share my issues as a red-green color blind person:

My major issue:
Acolyte of Chayula - Into the Breach
- Cannot distinguish the Blue and Purple Flames of Chayula from one another.

The way it's designed makes it seem like we want to specifically seek out purple flames to stack the extra chaos damage while only collecting the red and blue flames if needed for HP/mana. With the blue and purple flames being indistinguishable, I sometimes end up wasting time collecting a blue flame instead and end up losing the chaos buff.

This unfortunately makes me want to avoid the ascendancy entirely.

Minor issues:
Ritual Boss
- The keep moving and stop moving debuffs are too similar looking. He yells what to do when he's in human form but when he's in tree form, he speaks a language I cannot understand.

Ruby and Emerald Jewels
- These two jewels are difficult to distinguish.

Strength and Dexterity nodes on the passive tree
- Unable to tell which is which unless I hover over it.

Passive tree Weapon Sets
- Hard to differentiate the 2 sets once allocated.

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