Remove or rework the delirium fog

Sorry No

Fog make monsters hard to see, add the difficulty of map.

It is designed on purpose, intensional.
Because of the fog, I refuse to engage with the mechanic full stop. It makes everything look drab, opacity should be at least 50% of what it is now if we must have fog. As is, I'll just run breaches and trials.
Came here to give this another +1
Truly makes the game look ugly
It kills FPS too,
18 FPS on a RTX 3060 everything at low shouldnt be a thing when running a delirium map

I have a 3060 as well and had not realised that level of FPS drop. Maybe thats why I keep dying on anything above Lvl11 with Delirium.
Last edited by TrebligNairb#2645 on Feb 11, 2025, 4:53:18 AM
I have to agree: pls remove the Fog or Delirium at all. Its beyond annoying
my main gripe is the music acutally, because i only hear one now. All maps must be delirium, everything else is suboptimal.

I actually liked the solution for this in poe better. Make installing maps with emotions harder to obtain, either with an altar you need to find in deli maps or something else. Buff drops to counteract that - > BAM! top farmers now see maps again (or need to trade for instilled maps) and we can actually see your effort in design and music.
Current Build: Penance Brand
God build?!
Last edited by tsunamikun#0433 on Feb 11, 2025, 6:05:15 AM
FOG and MUSIC! Can't stand both anymore!

So many beautiful songs (Forge being my favorite) and landscapes to be ruined by this overly dramatic loopy song and ugly fog.

I want to use delirium on all my maps for its benefits. But without fog and music.
Last edited by barczik#9534 on Feb 11, 2025, 11:24:13 AM
+1 The experience in console is atrocious the screen freezes 2 seconds and by the next a bunch of monster is attacking me. I am in bilinear 1280x720 on a series x. The graphics look like clay and I am still getting screen freezes. Remove Fog
Last edited by Primal Vigil#0309 on Feb 16, 2025, 8:38:49 PM

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