0.1.0f Hotfix 1
The dupe bug is continuing..
Thousand of divine are duped each hours.. 0 fix 0 ban.. nice. There is no longer any point in playing/testing the early access. |
Solved the ultimatums crash for a while after this hotfix. it is broken again now. T_T
I don't know what you have done in recently hotfixes, but.
The game under Vulkan API doesn't maintain 60 fps (locked up fore and background) even with dynamic resolution. Constant freezes. I got that DirectX12 is it beta so it's fine to me that game is lagging etc. But once you've approved Vulkan for the sake of God, don't touch it anymore since it was working fine. Or just provide us every time stable shaders. Believe me, even top tier assembled PC does have huge lags sometimes which means it's not about my PC configuration. Take a look on it, please. (-_(-_(-_-)_-)_-) - BROTHERHOOD
" Nope, still happening. Oppened a map, entered the portal, bam! PC froze. Again, for the 100393042937th time. |
Try lowering CPU maximum in power plan on windows to 85%. Worked like a charm for me and massively reduced temps.
Issue persists post patch in both PoE1 and PoE2
Item filter for geforcenow and console players!
When are we seeing 2FA fully incorporated? Just got my account fully cleaned... Rip hundreds of divines invested into my builds..