in 4 weeks at midnight BEWARE
SerialF#4835 wrote:
in 4 weeks at midnight BEWARE

I was thinking the same thing. I must set my timer on the calendar and copy this post's link for 4 weeks later.
Nyon#6673 wrote:

May I ask whom your referring to?

When you make a post, and someone reply to it, their typically replying to you.

Then enlighten me please. Where in my op have I ever asked for any nerfs? My op didn't say anything about the game at all.

SerialF#4835 wrote:
in 4 weeks at midnight BEWARE

I was thinking the same thing. I must set my timer on the calendar and copy this post's link for 4 weeks later.

Haha, well. Even though it's a clickbait, I hope it won't actual happen. The game is good, but it still needs development. I'm quite optimistic that the game will be even better after EA.
Last edited by AceNightfire#0980 on Jan 7, 2025, 4:12:05 AM
The Forums have always been a battleground between GGG shills and GGG haters. This is nothing new. I'm firmly in the second camp myself.

It was also compounded by the battle between tourists and veterans. That ended in the most obvious way possible: tourists did what they always do and they dropped the game before ever reaching endgame. Typical.

Anyway, it will continue. There is nothing worth doing at the current completely undercooked endgame, so the true endgame is forum PVP. I can take an enjoyable break from my bland mapping and remind people that GGG fucks up badly and often, and then get flamed for it by the shills. Such fun.
Love the games. PoE1 way more so than PoE2, but still enjoying both.

Hate the company. The scummy, lying, fake and shitty facade, the excuses, the failures, and most of all, the "Vision".

Keep both of those in mind when reading my posts.
Last edited by PrimordialDarkness#3913 on Jan 7, 2025, 4:17:50 AM
Skill issue.
Forget the title above, it was completely clickbait and if you read this, it probably worked...

I works for players, but be sure not a single mod/dev will look into threads like that ever.
if you nerf 10 gems out of 30, you automatically buff the other 20!
ibims111#7338 wrote:
Forget the title above, it was completely clickbait and if you read this, it probably worked...

I works for players, but be sure not a single mod/dev will look into threads like that ever.

The sad reality is, that GGG does (or must) read these threads as well. I'm saying "must", because when it gets toxic, poeple will report one another and as a consequence, GGG moderators have to go in, check what happened and post something or close the topic. So much wasted time which could've been used constructively by GGG.
i agree completely with your po....

oh its an EARLY ACCESS. so pls stop mimimi so much and wait for changes.

and i have to say it again

I T S E A R L Y A C C E S S ! ! ! !
@op: It's probably not just about the game. Losing your hair while gaining pound after pound and not having touched the body of a real women in a long time all add up, too. Letting it all out in a good old forum debate or dropping a nice and juicy 'git gud' temporarily boosts the self esteem in that case.
EA. Please go away since you don't understand what those 2 simple letters mean...

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