Sold items are not unlisting from trade site.

Bug Report ID: #543542589

So I just had 3 trade prompts for items that were already sold an hours ago and/or they're prices were changed.

I thought for a first that buyers didnt refreshed the site unless I realised they were all from tabs that I changed entire price at once (and price was not updated either), so the listing also didn't disappeared after selling item.

I had to manually force unlist it from trade site.

Edit ->

Edit 2 ->

Edit 3 -> As other users mentioned and also prooven to be a case for me - new items are not appearing on the trade site despite listing them from stash tabs for HOURS (at least 2-3 hours for me).
Last edited by havkarru#2492 on Jan 5, 2025, 3:32:28 PM
Last bumped on Jan 5, 2025, 5:24:49 PM
Is GGG working? Isn't it Monday in New Zealand? Why haven't they fixed this all day?
I can confirm this, as this is happening with me as well.
Yes, and new items add to trade are not in the trade site. For some reason the atualization of trade site stopped a few hours ago.
I'm in the same boat. I have already ignored +30 people
Same, I've had multiple people message me for the same item. I've also had NOTHING I've listed today list. I've been online for a couple hours now.
Same what is funny cause my NEW ITEMS CANT BE EVEN LISTED

Which is so sad cause day per day price went down..
Same what is funny cause my NEW ITEMS CANT BE EVEN LISTED

Which is so sad cause day per day price went down..

I can confirm that also is a case for me. I have items listed like 2 hours ago still not on trade site.
Having the same issue, people keep messaging me for something I sold hours ago
Having the same issue, people keep messaging me for something I sold hours ago

As a temporary solution You can try search for that very item and click 'force unlist' on the trade site.

That is until GGG will fix it

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