Maces and Slams Feel Really Bad to Use

Alcyde#0348 wrote:

The most frustrating thing is that, even with resolute technique you will sometimes see your big fat hammer go through the body of an ennemy without touching it, because it seems that ennemies getting up after a heavy stun have some i-frames during that animation !

And one more rant : the Giant in the giant grotto in act 2. This massive behemoth is hugging the platform, touching it with its chest, but i can only hit his hands.... Just imagine the Kitava fight with the same restrictions....

Both of those are more of a buggy hitbox issues than i-frame issues.
Alcyde#0348 wrote:
Agree. I play fighting games, beat them up and the likes, i love close quarter fights in a game. But the dev need to think the melee system out of the rpg box.
My main gripe with mace skills is that they have either a slooooooow startup, a delayed damage, or both !

-Stampede has the character take a pose for a split second before moving (this is an eternity in the middle of a fight !), then you have no way to cancel out of it, no way to steer (is my character too stupid to turn around while running ?), and damage occurs after you finish your animation.

-Rolling slam ? It's long to start and hit with the first hit, and most of the time you want to cancel before the second hit because there is rarely an opening long enough to hit with it. And there are other skills with a far better reward when you have these openings.

-Hammer of the gods : how does this qualify as "attack" ? It looks and feels like a spell, and it has both long sumonning time (wich you mustn't cancel !), delayed impact and looooong cooldown ! At least, damage is worth the wait...

-Earthquake : 4 seconds to wait before damage occurs, and the damage in question is disapointing...

-Boneshatter : the only good melee skill i tried for clearing packs. It's fast and direct, it triggers explosions, it's fun... Alas, the "crushing impact" ascendency bricks it, because now you can't prime ennemies for heavy stun anymore, they will get instantly stunned, so no more explosions.

-leap slam : what did they do with it ?! The character now jumps needlessly high, and provided you took some "reduced attack speed" nodes it will float like it is on the Moon. Worst part ? I got frozen at the apex of my jump once, about 30feet above the ground... then got skewered by spearmen poking at ground level... I guess coherence is dead at that point.... I should also mention the awful assisted aim that makes me jump at the nearest ennemy, not where i put my cursor.. Or the fact that, even with the option to "always attack witout moving" ticked on, my character will walk a few steps before jumping if i aim a bit far...

-Sunder : packs a punch, but very slow, and any support will slow it more. I would mind a bit less if my character didn't need to do a small jump

These are the skills i tried, and finally, my favorite is... Mace Strike ! it's fast, reliable and consummes no mana....

I mostly agree you with you mate.

The setup I ended up enjoying is to charge/leapslam (with lots of stun buildup on them) on a group, earthquake the ground for 2 reasons: jagged ground (10% increased damage passive) and explosion to kill left-over mobs. And boneshatter to explode the screen...
Leap and charge gets mobs to the "ready to stun little ball situation" in max 2 hits, 95% of the time in just one. Usually a single mace strike will do as well, and I'm using a one-hander.

So leap or charge (depends on the situation), earthquake, boneshatter, next pack.

I only use hammer of gods of the other slowass strike against tanky yellows or bosses, and only after broken armor so it pretty much one shots them (w/ 100% bleed in case it doesnt, w/ earthquake on their feet for 10% increased damage + explosion at the end for extra injury)

And even than, again agreeing with you, sometimes its faster and/or more advantageous to just mace attack than to wait for an animation to finish.
ya its a lot of work though. actual good builds just run fast and hit 1 button and are faster than all the work for warrior. brings me back to the triple warcry anc warchief earthshatter days. except you dont get enough aoe on poe2 earthshatter
Last edited by Lonnie455Rich#2087 on Jan 4, 2025, 5:54:07 PM
ya its a lot of work though. actual good builds just run fast and hit 1 button and are faster than all the work for warrior. brings me back to the triple warcry anc warchief earthshatter days. except you dont get enough aoe on poe2 earthshatter

Yeah but like Alkaizer said, Warrior is most likely not going to get buffed. Because Warrior is just in an "okay" spot, most likely GGG will bring down all the other classes to Warrior's level instead.
That would be fine with me, it would line up with their vision. Temporalis cannot exist though. Or blink has to have a line with +1.4s attack time lol
I'm finishing up on my Titan soon (going to bench him when he hits lvl 90, I'm at 89 at the moment).

I just feel disappointed overall with how Warrior was treated on the first month of early access lol. While the devs didn't really say they hate melee, their design felt like it did.

Playing as a warrior feels like I'm playing a spellcaster with all the setup that I have to do when fighting mobs, meanwhile spellcasters just 1-click or 1-press on everything at the range of safety lol.

Current stuff I wish I had:
- add a dmg reduction when casting mace skills or make the animations quicker for mace skills
- remove the ability for mobs to inflict armour break
- we can't be moved when casting the skill lol
- your character model cannot be displaced or moved around or a compromise is you cannot be moved/displaced if you reach a certain amount of strength or add this to an existing keystone
- remove the load up time for earthquake and reduce the animation for skills like leap slam
- allow stampede to push enemies away and not let enemies stop it when they get hit, I found the collision system with this skill weird in general (like when you hit a mob or a pack of mobs you get deflected to the side and not stay in one spot after the collision)
Seems to me that when they started they wanted to make this game much slower and more deliberate, where you watch for enemy attacks, dodge or block, etc, without constant screen-wide clearing.

Think about how tedious it is to get charges normally through skills on launch. For example, you had to knock an enemy down to culling range, use a separate skill to cull them to receive a single power charge which you can cash in for a big lightning slam.

I don't know if in the rush to push out endgame content they just made it PoE1 again or what (why would you add breach and delirium if you wanted slower, more complex gameplay?) but is sure is a mess now. I honestly have no idea what they are going for.
I am trying go through acts as Warrior lately. I don't remember I had worse time in any game.
On Probation Any%
The best part is when you slam and it goes under the scenary over the roof or into a wall or into the abyss xD

Even Wolcen had a better warrior than this lol.
Bringing back this thread from the dead with this recent video from Carn. GGGs design philosophy for melee is insanely hypocritical. I refuse to believe Jonathan has ever played melee.

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