Hardcore Mode: Press "ESC" to Be Immortal

most simple resolution is if you quit equal you fail the boss fight/map etc etc, let them pause see how many times they can pause
If the game allows it - it's not cheating.

Stop saying that.

It's cheap and cheezy and goes against everything hardcore should be - absolutely.
Last edited by superbomb1967#5561 on Jan 7, 2025, 1:16:14 PM
I play HC and I love that this game has a pause. I don’t see a problem with it, it’s much better than altf4.

Not sure why you’re calling it an exploit and that others don’t use it because they don’t want to exploit…it’s literally part of the game…

The fact there is a pause makes this game much more accessible for me. I have a family and lots of random stuff going on like “it’s dinner time”, “can you open this for me”, and “I can’t find my backpack.”

So play softcore.
Hardcore isn’t hardcore if you can just pause and exit whenever you want. Ziz did this in the middle of the Sekhemas boss fight and then he decried people shaming him for it.

Hardcore should have no way to pause / exit the game. If you die, you die. Anything short of that is not hardcore. It’s a joke.
Harcore league
additional option : allow pause
(once selected this option disable your character from the ladder and cannot be changed)
Forum pvp
Last edited by lolozori#1147 on Jan 7, 2025, 2:54:52 PM
Pause is nice, but if I had to choose between the convenience of being able to pause and the thrill of authentic hardcore, I'd choose authentic hardcore every day. Remove instant logout!
I'll just say you can't actually leave your situation in the end game. Sure you can pause but all it's going to do is delay your death. Try to logout and come back? You are put right back where you were, still boned.

The main advantage of pausing in HC would be to read affixes safely, which frankly I don't have a problem with since the enemies are cracked out half the time and not sitting still enough for me to read them in combat properly before they die which is obviously dangerous.

You don't need a script to pause for you, any decent player will know when they are becoming screwed and have plenty of time to pause (unless u really messed up and are standing in the volatile crystals xD) I have always played HC and in poe2 it's a much more authentic HC experience than ever.

At the end of the day it's a video game. People have more important stuff coming up while they are playing and should feel like they can leave the game for a minute or two to deal with crap.

TLDR: Sure there are some minor advantages it gives but it's still more authentic than poe1 without the ability to alt f4. The tradeoff of being able to do stuff in RL is more than worth it especially considering HC is overall harder and more authentic than ever rn anyway.
Only SC players see pause and log out as cheating. Hardcore players see it as a feature, one of the few good things about hardcore mode.
swo0plt#5433 wrote:
Only SC players see pause and log out as cheating. Hardcore players see it as a feature, one of the few good things about hardcore mode.

This is just plain false. I and others in this very thread are hardcore players asking for logout to be removed for a more authentic hardcore experience.
It seems like they'll never do this because players who play in hardcore mode with poor internet or cheap computers would cry over "unfair" character deaths. They think it's more profitable to devalue the efforts of honest players than to "unfairly" kill the characters of people who, for some reason, are playing HC on a calculator with 3G internet tethered from a Nokia 3310.

That's pretty much all you need to know about the "challenges" offered by PoE 2 and the contrived difficulty that soy people scream about on Twitch
Last edited by bachgaman#6713 on Jan 10, 2025, 4:29:30 AM

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