Why the support@grindinggear.com take so long to answer?

logos99#9454 wrote:
JC_GGG wrote:
We're currently handling a large volume of support requests. If you've already contacted us via email at support@grindinggear.com then you'll need to wait for the appropriate team member to get back to you. We appreciate your patience!

It's a month now yay, and nothing happened just SILENCE. Fuck this, I will keep sending email every 2 days until you answer.

This does not help or get you an answer faster.
~ There are spectacular moments.
DoubleU#7266 wrote:
logos99#9454 wrote:
JC_GGG wrote:
We're currently handling a large volume of support requests. If you've already contacted us via email at support@grindinggear.com then you'll need to wait for the appropriate team member to get back to you. We appreciate your patience!

It's a month now yay, and nothing happened just SILENCE. Fuck this, I will keep sending email every 2 days until you answer.

This does not help or get you an answer faster.

then how am I supposed to know my message is not stuck or blocked or in the spam bin? I just make sure they receive it.
Remember how we don't like volatile explosions?
January is almost finished and still silent from GGG support, no replay nothing.

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