The worst customer service.
wtf they resolved your issue from the 27th of December but won't do anything about mine from the 14th of December? similar issue with no access and still have money paid if that's the case I'm 100% making an Econsumer report
" Not sure if it makes you feel any better, but I have had zero help since December 6th |
" Same, its like theres more support bots on the forums doing just CopyPasta than on Ticket Support and how long has GGG been around ? (i wonnder if this Post will get deleted to). |
The forum moderators focus on PR and impressions, not forum related issues, though they can and commonly delete, edit, or move posts that clarify their actual mission statements. review bomb them on sites they dont moderate like everyone else.
Slayer_1#1758 Need help from support, account locked.
[b]My Path of Exile 2 Early Access Nightmare: Account Is STILL Locked![/b] [url][/url] [b](PoE2)"I'm Currently Evading a Multi-week Account Lock by Ignoring GGG Support"[/b] |
I wanted to weigh in on this topic and say they finally unlocked my account after my support ticket being put in on the 31st of December. I was not given a reason as to why my account even got locked in the first place. It was just a simple email response after waiting impatiently for over a month not even knowing the reason that even got me locked this obviously had me furious after dropping a few hundred dollars on stash tabs, cosmetics, support packs and really trying to show support for PoE 2.
This is a huge mistake on my part I should of never spent any money on this awful consumer experience that PoE 2 has given me. People can say all they want about Diablo 4 but I can assure you I would have never had to deal with this crap. I did not feel like a valued customer or fan and it felt very much like the account unlock without any explanation as to why it even happen is unprofessional and leaves me with a foul taste in my mouth. If I ever do decide to play this game again even though my account has been unlocked now for several days, I will return when the games got a better support staff that takes the time to explain things that have a paid consumer locked out for a months time when he paid for early access and paid for a premium experience. Well that experience is now soured and do I get a refund for all that money I spent? NO! so there you have it down right criminal. |