Trading needs a nerf


yeah, like i said, they dont say they have reduced drop rates because of trade.

theyre saying if you have a game where trade is easy you need to reduce drop rates, and theyre saying that as a reasoning for why we dont have things like an auction house that make trade easy. they are giving you the reasoning why they believe trade should be difficult.

Phrazz#3529 wrote:
The game is build and balanced (from the ground up) with trading in mind.

the game is built around a trade economy giving items a sense of value. that is very different to the drops in the game all being balanced around the presumption that the player is trading.

the game is designed to be balanced for self found players. the game is designed for the game to be balanced for occasional traders. the game exists knowing that people who trade a lot are playing a completely unbalanced joke of a game because that is ok, that is worth the community and the sense of item value that trading brings to the game. those players trivialising the game and turning it into an unvalanced shitshow is a price worth paying for the positive things trade brings to the table.

the devs know that the game is a pathetic joke for people who trade, it is not at all balanced, but people who trade have now entered a different sphere of competition and difficulty which is essentially wealth bragging pvp.

playing the game is balanced around self found in 99% of cases. people who trade regularly have moved beyond playing the game being the game, they are now in a zone where having 10 divines is losing and having 10 mirrors is winning. it has nothing to do with actual game balance in terms of drops. the presumption if you trade a lot is that you dont even pick up item drops. theyre not balancing item drops around a subset of players who dont pick up items.
I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
Last Epoch tried to make a system were trade and self found are balanced but this game failed to gain lasting appeal. Other factors could also be to blame but this at least indicates it won`t be easy.
Last edited by kolpo#5585 on Dec 30, 2024, 4:36:57 AM
The game is significantly balanced around trading currency and items POE 1 was the same.

Why is this so hard for people to understand?

The dev's have too much to focus on they don't need to create and balance two seperate versions of the game. You have SSF mode for some unknown reason already when you could have just... not traded.

You're basically asking the devs to give you all the loot drops you want because you refuse to use the trade system that is an intentional part of the game.
Last edited by Cyriac_Darakus#1022 on Dec 30, 2024, 6:27:31 AM
Snorkle wtf is that you can't possible believe what you've written, not about PoE2 at least :p, i'd agree about PoE1 at this stage its how I play every league but PoE2 has every SSF beneficial methodology from 1 removed.

yeah, like i said, they dont say they have reduced drop rates because of trade.

theyre saying if you have a game where trade is easy you need to reduce drop rates, and theyre saying that as a reasoning for why we dont have things like an auction house that make trade easy. they are giving you the reasoning why they believe trade should be difficult.

Phrazz#3529 wrote:
The game is build and balanced (from the ground up) with trading in mind.

the game is built around a trade economy giving items a sense of value. that is very different to the drops in the game all being balanced around the presumption that the player is trading.

the game is designed to be balanced for self found players. the game is designed for the game to be balanced for occasional traders. the game exists knowing that people who trade a lot are playing a completely unbalanced joke of a game because that is ok, that is worth the community and the sense of item value that trading brings to the game. those players trivialising the game and turning it into an unvalanced shitshow is a price worth paying for the positive things trade brings to the table.

the devs know that the game is a pathetic joke for people who trade, it is not at all balanced, but people who trade have now entered a different sphere of competition and difficulty which is essentially wealth bragging pvp.

playing the game is balanced around self found in 99% of cases. people who trade regularly have moved beyond playing the game being the game, they are now in a zone where having 10 divines is losing and having 10 mirrors is winning. it has nothing to do with actual game balance in terms of drops. the presumption if you trade a lot is that you dont even pick up item drops. theyre not balancing item drops around a subset of players who dont pick up items.

How did you get to all that conclusions is beyond me. Devs said on multiple occasions that the game is balanced around League SC Trade. Its not and never will be balanced for SSF. Its not the main game mode. End of story.
Last edited by kuciol#0426 on Dec 30, 2024, 8:29:20 AM
SSF is more akin to HC in terms a game mode. It's an optional mode that increases difficulty.

The alternative of making SSF an optional mode that has increased drops adds a layer of balancing and headache that I can't imagine a developer would want.

Do you balance the drops to make it on par with trade? If so, what's the point of trade being a part of the game? Trade is a means to an end and a tool that enables drops to have value for someone even if they don't want or need the item. It's cumbersome on purpose to make it have some resistance. I would say most people use trade as a tool and don't view it as a point of joy in a vacuum. It brings some joy in that it creates the opportunity for every drop to potentially have more value.

So if you balance SSF to be on par with trade, why would someone choose to trade when the easier path is that one that has one less mechanic in the game you have to engage with?

The other path is that SSF isn't as easy as trade but has enhanced drops, creating a new headache. No matter where they turn the knob to, someone will think it's not enough or too much -- especially those that play SSF as it was intended: a mode that adds difficulty like HC.

Feels like a lose/lose.

They might as well stay true to the original intent of SSF, which was an added layer of difficulty that players opt into.
Thanks for all the fish!
Last edited by Nubatron#4333 on Dec 30, 2024, 8:55:59 AM
Nothing stopping devs from making an SSF toothless mode with enhanced drops in parallel to everything else.
Either make drops more useful or trade should just be regulated, end of story.
We wouldn't have price fixers, spam, and inflation that knock you out of your chair when you see it.
As long as it's regulated by the playerbase, it will be abused.

Making most of our drops and crafting useless and depending on a chaotic marketplace is seriously driving me nuts how they thought this would be fine. It was a problem in PoE1 and it's still here in PoE2. HOW?
Last edited by Iggybousse#7123 on Dec 30, 2024, 10:24:45 AM
Snorkle wtf is that you can't possible believe what you've written, not about PoE2 at least :p, i'd agree about PoE1 at this stage its how I play every league but PoE2 has every SSF beneficial methodology from 1 removed.

im talking about poe1. u know i love you draeg im gonna go on a waffle here but its not aimed at you its just about the topic in general.

poe2 is balanced around jonathan playing the game through a couple of times ssf and going yeah i guess that sort of feels ok. thats literally what poe2 is. they dont even have the items in the game, all the advanced and expert bases are not the real items, the real items will be tied to the zones in act 4, 5 and 6 that we dont have. there will be daggers, swords, 2 handers, the loot hasnt even be made for the game, never mind balanced around anything. the gear in the game atm is all placeholder, most of the uniques havnt been added, the loot system isnt even in the game yet.

they want the game to be hard and to have item scarcity, they have played through themselves a number of times self found and had noobs run through self found and said ok it seems ok to release like this, we kind of fumbled through and it was somewhat fine.

thats literally what poe2 is right now. it will follow the same principal tho as poe1, which is that it is almost entirely balanced for ssf. what they have in the game atm has been tested internally by them ssf and they thought it was ok enough to release and see how it went.

the idea that poe1 is balanced around trade is an absurd joke, no the devs have not said they balanced the game around trade.

the drop rates in poe1 are so high people stop picking up all the rares in act1. people in solo self found filer out 90%+ of rare items in maps, the drops are so stupidly high that even ssf is not balanced for so many items dropping. your self found alch stack is over 1000 in the league and if you wanted you could just spawn the next 500 rings you find into rares. are you people seriously telling me this is not balanced for ssf and its balanced for trade?

are you lot actually insane?

everyone plays the campaign ssf all the way through, no one trades because the game is a joke in ssf because its been balanced not just for ssf but for ssflolcopter with loot explosions for the d3 babymode enjoyers.

you get to maps and if you run t1 maps for 1 hour you can afford enough gear on the trade website to beat t16 maps and all the pin bosses. literally, 1-5 chaos per slot items that flood the market because of the ssf tuned rare drops are enough to beat everything in the game.

and that is 'balanced'? you all think that is the balance the devs wanted? playing t1 maps for an hour gives you the gear to beat everything in the game?

have you all lost your minds?

what even is this convo, honestly XD its actually mad that people think you need to trade in poe and the drops are somehow impossibly hard in ssf. even the highest, hardest content in the game that is designed for only the elite of the elite to beat is being beaten by that elite in ssf hardcore mode in the first week of a league launch.

poe2 is a mess, but its principals have not changed in terms of balancing for trade and ssf, they have just changed in terms of them wanting blue items to be a thing, wanting us to go back to only having rares with 3 good stats on them as a norm, wanting old school scarcity.
I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
The bigger issue is their refusal to offer SSF ANY buffs.

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