Stampede movement feels very bad, and can't be trusted

Having to guess where your movement skill will take you is so wrong. Sometimes you go straight in the direction you clicked, sometimes the path is somewhat deflected and others it goes the opposite way.

Also not pushing ANY monster away with Stampede feels really bad. IMO we'd atleast have 0 size just like when rolling, and move in a straight line to where we clicked and stop there, not further away. If we clicked further than the actual skill range then just go in that direction. ATM it feels really bad to play, movement-wise.

It's ok if you collide the wall and then stampede follows the wall, but this shouldn't happen when colliding with enemies.

edit: Also a side complaint... the aftershock effect is too bright. I have bloom at 25% and still its too much (and I don't play in the dark)
Last edited by JamesWorth#7138 on Dec 22, 2024, 4:20:08 PM
Last bumped on Feb 28, 2025, 9:46:02 PM
Massive chonky armored dude held by a horde of white trash plants is the worst thing I've seen in gaming in while now. warrior needs to be disabled for a long year full rework. small patches won't make a scratch on how bad it feels
Last edited by khuzvhan#0406 on Jan 2, 2025, 7:37:21 AM
Adding another voice to the choir - Stampede is conceptually a really cool skill, but the random riocheting all over the place and getting blocked by 90% of monsters makes it pretty frustrating to use.

I think another pain point with it is that it doesn't travel to your cursor like most other travel skills e.g. leap slam, but instead forces you to move the entire distance with every use. Makes it feel quite janky and like I'm not actually in control of my character at all. It is hard to tell if this would feel as bad or be okay if the other issues with it were fixed.
Last edited by Aggedon#4911 on Jan 9, 2025, 6:00:07 AM
The skill says Stampede.
The animation portends Stampede.
The practice parodies drunken stumble across 6 bar stools.
Crazy idea: Make stampede a spirit ability that modifies base movement.

Spirit Stampede: Immune to enemy push. Shockwaves on step. Push small enemies.
It's fucking ridiculous and makes for horrible gameplay.
It's worth noting that +2 maps are a dangerous thing.
They can cause players to get out of their depth -
playing maps that are too hard for the items they currently have. Herp Derp.
I feel you should be able to hit the button again and cause the stamped to trigger whenever you want. That would be really fun and have the player get more involved.
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I think Stampede is fine, but it SHOULD absolutely push everything but the largest mobs.

The problem is every time stampede hits something it cant push it causes the direction change.
GGG guys doesn't play Warrior confirmed

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