Boring af?

same. level 91 and bored AF. Thinking about quitting game until they stop nerfing all my fun builds that took me a month to complete.
D3 campaign blows away poe2.

D3 story was ....not for me. But the gameplay was fun for a run-through. It just lacked replayability.

Agreed on your assertion though. In POE2 I just kept pushing because of the brand with the thought that it would eventually become fun only to realize the game's highpoint was in Act 1. It was all downhill from there.

I remember POE1 when I first joined over a decade ago and it had something special through the first three acts. I didn't even mind the Normal/Cruel/Merciless cycling. Even the early version of mapping was fun for me.

I could get past campaign sucking. But what POE2 did to end game is not great. If this thing kills POE1 so it can live, well that will be an absolute tragedy.
Thanks for all the fish!
its the opposite, campaign is great - end game is bland and boring for the time being.
Games incredibly fun, maybe it's time to quit and dust off some books or something.
D3 campaign blows away poe2.

Yep,,,D3 was my favorite.... Barbarian rotating ... lol ....sell stuff for Real $$$ much to do in that game.....
Path of exile 1 still exists.
Let POE2 be for different folks eh.
Some people find POE1 boring.
Different Games for Different Dames.

Yep soon as they drop 3.26 even if it is complete turd of a league a good share of what is left of PoE2 EA clingers is going to empty out like someone pulled a giant plug.
Same, unless im doing crazy OP broken build game is very bad and boring to me, im just not a fan of these dark souls 1 shot bosses, one shot boss stuff was very rare in poe1, not to mention travel time in maps is crazy slow, just give us back our movement abilities
Heres a concept - integrate self imposed difficulty levels - so you - the player - have the option to set the difficulty higher - the reward being better drops - better rewards for higher difficulties - Now introduce a pvp area - where you can use this higher gear to best others for notoriety, etc. Plus introduce the in game auction house which will create another element of fun with bidding wars for good stuff.......

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