Path of Exile 2 is a game full of contradictions and misplaced pride.
Before getting into my main concern. A few things must be established.
. This is a early access - not the finished product. . The company admitted that only chapter 1 and 2 is heavily tested. . The have a history of weird behaviour in insisting certain mechanic and design beliefs. . It is not like Path of Exile 1 and should never be this bad too. . I have no skin in the game development but I am extremely irritated to keep seeing the same behaviour again and again from different companies. The issues with the Path of Exile 2 is already well documented and I had seen enough comments that the company would not react well if comments were harsh. This seems to be a response grown over the years that the company does indeed have a history of turning a deaf ear to just critics. I find that childish for the real world does not care much about feelings when dealing with facts. I will start with the sharpest comments because of the recent patch. Blizzard's Diablo 4 is already dead in the water, regardless what fantasy some people wish to believe and what killed that game is manifesting in Path of Exile 2. People mocked at Rod Fergusson of his arrogance, petty replies and inability to design a game. However the patch 0.1.0e insisting what is currently in game only need tuning and not replacement and removal, is not a pretty sight. Whatever changes they wish to make, it is simply not fast and not good enough. Gamers are not gamers of before. Competition is fierce and people loses interests fast. Especially with a international audience who has zero patience for the game to turn around with the present problems in Path of Exile 2 - which were also seen and solved in Path of Exile 1. Hope the irony would not be lost to people - the company proclaiming Path of Exile 2 would not be like Path of Exile 1, yet it is ridden with very similar problems and end game design seen in the previous game. But this time, players have to suffer intentional and very bad decision and design forced on to them which half crippled player. Path of Exile 2 is quickly turning into a worse version of Path of Exile 1. Because of these existing issues, it makes losing experience and map incentivize on death very ugly, very outdated and unfair. Most death occurred are not due to poor playing but literal poor designs yet the company is obviously still doubling down these bad design with its recent patch. - Especially the baffling decision to reduce honour damage by 35% does not and will not solve the truth that the design itself is faulty and has no place in the game at it present state. It is obvious the company is holding onto this design out of pride. - Monster need a 40% reduction in damage instead of critical damage because it is still obviously unbalance - the Monsters like water hag, crabs and any attacks with damage over time - and unfinished. - Effects on death need to be removed immediately because the reason given by the company is false. It was stated years ago power creep caused players to one shot monsters and bosses. This "forced" the company to come out with this lazy design. However because Path of Exile 2 is designed to be soul like, it is slow and deliberate. Yet players have to deal with Monsters that like Path of Exile 1 - fast and over-tuned. There is no reason why effect on death should not be removed immediately until the problems are solved. This is 2024 and going 2025. If you cannot come out with a new solution, perhaps hire someone who can. Grinding Gear is no longer a small enterprise with a non-mainstream hippy game. It has truly entered the market with Path of Exile 2 as a mainstream giant on par or perhaps better than Blizzard. It no longer has the space to "grow" and make mistakes like doubling down on very bad designs and delude itself that its own a misplaced belief had not been hammered down over the years of the company's existence. The game is quickly turning to a meme feast of a bad kind. It is still pretending to be a "innovate" and "bold" dark soul of a ARPG when it does not have the design, mechanic or solution of a dark soul game. 10 over years ago, someone in another gaming company double down on his mistakes due to his arrogance. He was fired almost immediately. On a personal notes, the drop rate of Self found Single player mode should be buff immediately and immensely. The highlighted problems indirectly caused loots to be gated in the market by people who are able to destroy the poor designs. There is also a urgent need to address scammers. The ideal that people should learn their mistakes - stated years ago by the company - does not fly as a mainstream gaming company. We are entering a time where accountability should not be only one sided. You should also start to address racism in surrounding the game. It is once again turning its ugly head. Last bumped on Dec 22, 2024, 9:33:26 AM
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