Player Retention!
" i just did it as a 75 war, have you checked your relics? you need to stack honor resistance like crazy, i thought i was going to fail cuz i had 11 debuffs going into the last boss lol but last boss was super easy compared to the rooms. |
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Those numbers are for _concurrent_ players.
When players start putting in less time per week after the start, those numbers are going to decline. Of course a bunch of players left - they tried the game and it wasn't for them. The game is still doing incredibly well. |
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" Nothing you say or do at this point is going to change anything about this in the short term. There's no point engaging with that kind of discussion when people can take the "this is fine" line. PoE2 isn't going to be fixed in a day or a week or a month; there's a lot more to fix than that. To be clear, I agree with you and you're completely correct; it just doesn't matter from a discussion standpoint and leads only to endless moronic threads about poe1 veterans destroying the game and so-such. The game is what it is, nothing big is going to change over christmas/new year, and GGG has the statistics already. It's a shame we couldn't start at a better place, but the game is here, and we didn't, and that's that. Eventually most of these people will simply fall away, the money will slow, and the game will change. The reality is that GGG is still GGG and still functions the same as they did throughout the development of PoE1, so we already have a roadmap. We know that GGG likes to sell "the vision", but ultimately the vision pays heed to the reality, which is that when people don't like something they shout and they stop paying money. There's very little difference between where PoE1 was and how they were talking and where PoE2 is now. PoE1 didn't get to where it is now by direct application of GGG's vision; it was a constant tug of war between what they wanted to do and what players wanted to play. The same will be true of PoE2, without any shadow of a doubt. At this specific moment in time, PoE2 is in the honeymoon phase of hype and holiday status. Its numbers are easily misrepresented, and frankly we see threads simultaneously claiming a given league's numbers in PoE1 are the death knell and the second coming for PoE1 even when it's stable, so they simply aren't a good representation of anything much even at the best of times. Last edited by Pathological#1188 on Dec 22, 2024, 3:37:47 AM
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" I think it'll happen a lot faster than it did for PoE. Tencent now fully owns GGG. I, for one, would like to see them fully commit to their "vision" to see if there is enough people to play and pay to make it work. They should try it and if it doesn't work which I believe it absolutely won't, we can finally put that discussion behind us. |
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The game is going to be just like New World and D4, you have all these oddballs saying "ItS eArLy AcCeSs BrO cHiLl OuT".
Almost every game released now has these people with their head in the sand defending glaring issues players have. If the devs responded accordingly to common areas players had problems with, their games wouldn't of tanked their player base. These B2P F2P games need players to buy MTX/expansions, and retention is important. All those "everything is fine" people never stay around when the games start to fall off, or they do and will keep saying everything is fine until the end. You had people saying D4 was fine until they couldn't get enough people for a world boss at peak times, and then they cried about it. People said New world was fine until they started merging severs because some were barren. A game releasing around the holidays should have growth, the games that decline or dip are games that have been out for a while, which is to be expected. Last edited by Detahmaio#6046 on Dec 22, 2024, 4:51:28 AM
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I’ve picked up PoE1 again
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POE2 has 370k people playing, concurrently, right now, >just on Steam< ... mid-afternoon on a Monday...
I think their "player retention" is just fine |
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" This is me right now. I lost all my good Waystones and my highest ones left are only T6. I just can't continue playing anymore. I feel the same way about the game. I've been forcing myself to play despite being very bored of mapping. The campaign is the only good thing about PoE2. The rest of it is bad. The skill balance is non-existent. I struggled so much doing my 3rd Ascendancy that I had to change builds after which it was a total breeze. But all these crazy overpowered builds are so boring to play. The endgame feels completely out of place and doesn't resemble the campaign experience AT ALL. It's like I was playing a completely, much worse game after I finished the campaign. I won't be returning to PoE2 until they at the very least, get rid of the 1-death/map thing. It's making the already boring endgame that much more miserable when you die to some stupid DD effect or a random 1-shot. |
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I guess its a good thing this game is beta/EA, that you either paid for knowing that, or got it for free... It's almost as if most people think this is an entirely complete game that isn't going through changes on the daily/weekly, leading up to a full release in 6-12 months... huh ;)
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