Feedback after 130h from a 1000h diablo player

Hi, in this feedback, I won't be addressing the positive aspects of the game since they don't require improvement right now.

Visual clarity, clutter, and zoom
Most of the time, I couldn't see what was happening on the screen. The camera is too zoomed in, and increasing the distance would greatly improve visual clarity.

Waystones and travel through the atlas
Waystone drops are too rare, so you only want to use your high-level ones on bosses.
Okay, got it.
This means if you need to travel through a node without any modifiers, the best option is to use low tier white maps and just rush through it.
However, there's an issue: movement speed in PoE2 is slow. For the most part, I like it, but when my only goal in a map is just to get through it asap is a problem.

My suggestion: either add a boss to every map, or make one rare mob stonger, something like:

+1 level
+2 mods
and for that let him always drop a waystone, at least of the same tier.

Add more connections between regions. Maybe my RNG is just particularly bad, but I often find myself at the edge of an area, only to realize I need to go all the way around to reach the other side.

Same issue as above. I like the idea, but maybe make them fewer and instead adding a unique boss, making them larger (as a zone) and having them reveal more of the atlas could help.

This is the main reason I'm dropping out for now. Having to wander aimlessly through the atlas right now isn't fun. Then you can either die to the boss or not get the fragments to drop (maybe that was my item filter issue because I dont see other players speaking of it, or maybe there a not that many players at end game), and what's left? Six more days of wandering around aimlessly again.

Some other small issues:
- ES mod on bosses seems to strong, maybe its bugged or its by desing?
- tab for runes or place in the currency tab for it
- let us remove runes from gear
- to much on death effects
- add auction house for items

Problems with witch
- minons despawing after moving 2 screen away from them
- minions getting blocked on small corridors
- let infernalist drink mana potion to make flame resource go down

Last bumped on Dec 19, 2024, 7:20:46 AM

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