Can’t individually price items on console?

Did a search but couldn't find any similar problem.
On console, when pricing items (setting the price and then pressing square/x on xbox) it seems my items are not being priced accordingly? I tested this when people started pming me with very different prices compared to the listing price I set up. Also the premade PM doesn't have the listed price. Then I did another test, I set a custom price and looked for the item in trade site and nothing. Strangely, when I set a fixed price to all items in tab it started appearing on trade site.

Am I doing something wrong? Any help is appreciated.
Last bumped on Dec 17, 2024, 2:30:45 PM
This was solved!

I will leave the answer if anyone has the same problem:

there are three inputs in the window, (note) (number) (currency)

you must set the first one to something other than "note"

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