Quality Of Life improvements needed [long]

In no specific order, and most of these are for both console and PC...

## Ability to lock items in inventory (and more safety measures)
To make sure we don't accidentally sell/destroy a much-needed item.
It was my fault for not paying attention, but I was quickly salvaging trash items with sockets and destroyed a unique as well.
When we disenchant, it's a 2-step process. When we socket a rune, a confirmation pops up. Yet we can salvage unique so easily?

## Rearrange items in inventory and stash
Just assign a button to rearrange the items to fit the space intelligently. On PC you can rearrange fast with the mouse, but on console with a controller it's too slow a process.

## Clearer item differentiation everywhere
Uncommon, Magic, Rare and Unique all look the same in inventory and stash or at vendors, which is silly. Give it a border or anything, and enable the search for quality.
Would have also helped when I accidentally salvaged the unique, as mentioned above.

## Clearer elite mobs
Similarly, many times you only notice that you are fighting an elite because it hits harder or takes longer to die. I would probably target it first if I could visualise its danger.
---> some improvements in patch 0.1.0e but still not ideal

## Clearer active buff/curse/etc
I have Herald of Ice equipped on my Monk, but there is no way to tell whether it is active or not, other than opening the radial menu and checking.
When I activate Wind Dancer the icon is there, but Herald of Ice does not appear. I assume it's the same with the others.
---> on console, there is a setting called "Show Aura Icon" that displays the Heralds but still not every spirit-based buffs

## Clearer ground debuffs (or mitigate visual effect of spells)
This may be class-specific, but with my Arsonist, I cast Flame Wall, Raging Spirits, and Spark and have poison-generating Corpsewade boots. As a result, I have no clue what is happening on the ground, particularly when the visual effect is very subtle. And in a party it's even worse.
One of the worst offenders is the Blood mob's pool, which in the Manor is almost the same colour as the floor, as well as some of the bosses' mechanics. Any fire in Steppe is also very confusing.

## Sync loot filters from PC
I think the game should not rely so much on filters and be 100% usable off the shelf. Filters should only add custom fancy stuff and nice-to-have.
Having said that, we know that right now loot filters do not work on console, but this could be at least solved for the players who can access both platforms, by installing the filters on PC and have it automatically synced to the console.
A solution that works for everyone could be to let us upload the filters here on the website, in our account page - from there the filters could sync on both PC and PS5.
---> Happy to see this solution finally implemented in patch 0.1.1

## Lock on target (also, assign buttons?)
Long-standing console issue, targeting could be improved by assigning a button to lock a target. The ideal solution would possibly be R3 so it could be pressed to lock on target and moved to switch targets.
The ability to (re)assign some buttons would be welcome too (more granularly, not the default 'assign skills and action').

## Smarter minions (bug?)
They get stuck too often or don't move with the character.

## Character level indication in UI
Just as a reminder, so we don't have to check the character sheet (again, easy on PC with a button but tedious on console).
Also when in maps we learn the mobs level of a zone, but with no indication of ours it doesn't tell us the difficulty.
---> thanks to Slashik for pointing out you can hold R3 while standing still to see the info on screen

## Checkpoints to reactivate
Say I'm exploring a map and by chance I reach the boss room first, activating the checkpoint... I may want to explore the rest of the map to kill mobs and gain another level before the boss encounter (or any other reason not to fight the boss immediately). If I find another checkpoint and activate it, when I get back to the boss one it doesn't reactivate because we are locked to the last activation, meaning that if I die I have to redo the whole map to get back there.
---> Fixed in patch 0.1.0e

## PC functionalities missing on console (those I noticed)
- Support Skill selection on console is limited to Recommended or All, there is no indication of the support skill that would work with the selected main skill

- Cannot switch description tabs on console, for example I can't see the description of the Skeletal Arsonist's Explosive Demise ---> QQPQ has been able to find a way to see this info on console, see reply here: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3643720/page/2#p25714694

- There are no quick jumps to stash tabs on console, can only go left and right, tab by tab

- Cannot open a new instance from waypoints on console ---> again, QQPQ has been able to find a way for console users, see reply here: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3643720/page/2#p25714694

- In general, there is a lot missing on console for not being able to use the ALT or SHIFT key

- A very good example is the Maps Legend: you have all the icons that mean absolutely nothing to console players because they can't hover over them, or their description, with a mouse

- Global chat doesn't seem to work on console ---> Fixed in patch 0.1.0e

- Also, the trading site often doesn't even work on console and browsing on this platform is a tedious and unresponsive task, which brings me to...

## [request] Trade NPC
Aside of solving price-fixing, scammers and the necessity to be online to complete a sale/purchase, this is simply standard in any modern game. And as I mentioned, the site doesn't even work properly for console users.
You can keep selling tabs as microtransactions and let us list items for sale from the stash, but the actual search and trade should happen via an NPC - exactly as you are doing now with the Currency Exchange. When I log in, I want to play - not constantly having to interrupt my game to pass an item to someone.

## [request] Bring back the PoE1 crafting bench
At least in some form.
In the current state of the game, with so many prefixes and suffixes and implicit, it's simply too frustrating to even bother. There's not even an argument when the simple alternative is "buy what you actually want for 1 Exalt and move on" (it may be pricier now, but still).
And by the way, the current system is not even crafting: it's gambling.

Personally, I love PoE for its challenges, but I feel that not absolutely everything needs to be challenging.

I'm sure there's more to add but this was long enough.



## Clearer NPC Chats
While it is clear on PC which dialogues have been played with any NPC, they all remain the same colour on console.
also, Servi at the Ziggurath has a Local Knowledge option that does nothing on console.

## Cleaner campaign maps
It's all very monotone, which, visually, I get because it's ink on a yellow parchment. But there's room for improvement here.
i.e. the Points of Interest, sometimes I don't even understand to which waypoints they are tied, let alone if I have completed them or not.

## Replaceable Runes
Not removable, replaceable.
I understand why this is in place, but unless an item is corrupt you can change every aspect via orbs, so why runes should be different? Just allow us to overwrite a rune with another until we decide to use a Vaal Orb and "freeze" the item.
---> implemented in patch 0.1.1

## Supporting Raxxanterax' "death effects" thoughts
You kill a boss and you see it drop the item you want, but you can't get it because the boss who couldn't one-shot you has an after death effect that can (even about 3 seconds after death)?
No. Not ever.
On this topic, the Monk is designed to be sort of magnetised to the Tempest Bell, so the after-death effect is almost unavoidable; well done.
---> partially improved in patch 0.1.1

## Alien sounds
The clearest example of sounds that do not belong in this game is in the Dreadnought map, where a microwave alarm plays about every 20 seconds while you make your way to the Act 2 final boss...

## Ease maps backtracking
When you start mapping in the endgame, you often have to retrace your steps the whole map to find the mob you missed. It's not an uncommon issue in ARPGs, but in Diablo4 they have solved it by spawning a horde at your location when ~10 mobs are left to kill so you can complete the map there instead of having to backtrack. It makes even more sense in PoE2 considering the scale of these maps.

## Buttons consistency
The Hidden One needs the square button to identify items, then Doryani prefers the triangle.
Then you disenchant, sell and stash with the triangle, but you salvage with the square.
And so on.

## More granular graphic settings
The Tempest shrine almost froze my PS5. Some locations are so bright you can't even see the overlay map. Labels should be more readable at a glance, even before we start using loot filters (which don't work on console yet). Etc
Every user may experience these differently, so we need a more granular way to tweak graphic settings than what is currently available.

## Drop Selection
On console, you move near a drop and press a button to loot. That is fine until you start becoming selective with the stuff you want (with or without filters), because it becomes very tricky to only grab one object out of even just 3. There should be a way to at least cycle through the drops and only select one.
Last edited by Koanbit#1251 on Jan 20, 2025, 9:43:10 AM
Last bumped on Jan 21, 2025, 4:18:46 AM
About -- Character level indication in UI

Just hold L3 (right stick) while standing still, and you will see you HP MP and Exp
-- Support Skill selection on console is limited to Recommended or All, there is no indication of the support skill that would work with the selected main skill

Is it really?

I play on controller on PC, and there is option to select any gems, there is a
button for that -- try triangle/X, check carefully on UI
-- Lock on target

There is a special bind for lock target, search for glowing yellow finger icon, should be 3rd on last row
Great feed back we ned more like this nice to see other people doing the lords work to help improve the game and experience for console users

1 Thing i did notice though was the "support skill selection" if you want to pick any support gem just use L1 or R1 to scroll the supported gems to "see all" but it doesnt work like that for actual SKILL GEMS AND you are right there is no indicator to show what skills there compatable with POE1 has this it was just a little box that if you hovered over the support gem it showed you what gems you had equipt and if they worked with each other good suggestion
Last edited by WarhawkOfficial#9280 on Dec 17, 2024, 6:51:39 AM

Thank you.
Yeah, so on PC, you I have found 3 options for the Support Skills:
1. default, recommended skills checkbox ticked
2. recommended skills checkbox unticked, which shows the support skills compatible with the skill in the current active tab - at least it seems to work this way in my UI
3. all support skills

The option that is missing on console is the useful second one. When we switch from 1 straight to 3, it takes some time-consuming guessing work to figure out what could work and we may not even be correct.


Cheers, I tried what you suggested.

Your replies open a different conversation because nothing you described works for me on PS5… So, I guess the experience with a controller is different on PC, but it seems there may be ways of mapping those functionalities that GGG needs to implement on console.

update: actually, pressing R3 I can now see the info, so it's the other stick. I'll keep trying to see if I can figure out the rest
Last edited by Koanbit#1251 on Dec 17, 2024, 9:02:11 AM
When using the scrap bench, would be great if non scrapable items would grey out, similar to when you try to disenchant an item.
Koanbit#1251 wrote:

Thank you.
Yeah, so on PC, you I have found 3 options for the Support Skills:
1. default, recommended skills checkbox ticked
2. recommended skills checkbox unticked, which shows the support skills compatible with the skill in the current active tab - at least it seems to work this way in my UI
3. all support skills

Not sure if you have seen the latest announcement for the Upcoming patch but there some thing in it you mentioned in your post.

Last update before they break for Christmas by the looks of things some pretty good balancing by the looks of things so fingers crossed
Last edited by WarhawkOfficial#9280 on Dec 17, 2024, 9:05:54 AM
Koanbit#1251 wrote:


Cheers, I tried what you suggested.

Your replies open a different conversation because nothing you described works for me on PS5… So, I guess the experience with a controller is different on PC, but it seems there may be ways of mapping those functionalities that GGG needs to implement on console.

update: actually, pressing R3 I can now see the info, so it's the other stick. I'll keep trying to see if I can figure out the rest

Glad to help!
Also, in case if you struggle with issue of unable to interact with something or loot while where are monsters on map -- I can suggest remap interact action to different button. I found using d-pad-down for minimap and for interact is really convenient
Slashik#3409 wrote:

Glad to help!
Also, in case if you struggle with issue of unable to interact with something or loot while where are monsters on map -- I can suggest remap interact action to different button. I found using d-pad-down for minimap and for interact is really convenient

Yeah I have done a bit of remapping already and it works fine in most cases. In combat though, the interaction is entirely disabled until the combat ends, at least on PS5.

When I'm on my PC, I can click on items even while fighting but this is not an option on console, as of yet.

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