POE 2 Still being stunned with stun charm

stone charm has charges, monsters will stun me and the first hit will still fully stun me and complete the full stun animation and cancel my current animation, The stun immunity timer starts as soon as I start getting stunned but I am still stunned after the charm triggers
Last bumped on Feb 2, 2025, 4:10:53 AM
same with freez imune charms
I checked charm right after getting stunned and it's still sitting at full charges. Killed about 3 enemies before the check, which shouldn't be enough to recover the 40 charges the charm costs.
Here to concur, I started a map with full charges. Instantly got stunned twice in a row and died. Which means that the first one didn't even go off. I revived with full charm charges but I'm assuming that will happen regardless one was used or not. Either way it didnt even work, I spent a div on a belt that had resistances and charm slots so I could use a freeze and stone charge, but it doesnt even work.
omg I thought i was tweaking all this time with endgame because I use a freeze charm, swore the damned thing did nothing!! ,..i was right
charms are completely useless at the moment and even if they did work as expected they would honestly still suck, just really uninteresting as a concept. Imagine thinking 20% increased rarity for 1 second AFTER killing a rare mob but not even including the rare mob would somehow be appealing to anyone? It's wild lol
!!! 100% it is not working.
it is still the same for me and died many times because of this.
Bumping, I'm running a triple charm setup and stun is not working
same here! i was just typing a post about this.
the charm is not working. it appears to use a charge as indicated by the updated interface but i'm still stunned. deadly for me since i am the glassiest of glass cannons.

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