Path of Exile 2: Upcoming Changes and Improvements


They balanced only 4 and those no one used.

Well, that's why they balanced those 4. No need to buff skills that see lots of use already.
Might be time to respec back to a Slam Titan. :D
karamna#1273 wrote:
Pure comedy reading all the ppl crying because the build they were playing got a nerf, usually because it didn't work like intended, but they will still cry and say that GGG is "removing all the fun".

Yeah, since these people's definition of fun is playing something extreeemely strong, straight out of the box with not even close to really good endgame gear.

The most entertaining are the people that don't understand that they are in early access, where things are gonna get BIG changes, thinking this is the full release...

Happy Holidays everyone!
And don't take everything so seriously, then early access isn't for you!
Things will be balanced, you just have to give it time, and by time I don't mean 1-2 weeks, we're talking months, a year.

Cheers! :)

Finally a sane post. Thank you man ^^.
I like the update a lot, now lets start POE and see how it goes :).
Thanks for nerfing the build I spent 50 hours making, now I feel like shit!
Where are the full patch notes?
Wonderful news!

There's no news about Convocation, or if you move slightly too far away from your minions they just die and respawn beside you instead of blinking to you... Unfortunate for all of us minion enthusiasts.

Are there any plans to encourage minions other than Arsonists, aside from just equalizing their spirit cost? I wanna play shock mage minions but they're too dogwater to equip aside from just shock botting.
Great info
Where are the full patch notes?

Seek and ye shall find:
I do not and will not use TFT.
Gaming Granny :D
🐢🐢🐢🪲🪲🪲 coauch coop on a same ps5 console we can not play with individual profile account like diablo 4.please fix it.why should i make a new character while i have it on my profile account.please please please please please please please fix it.thank you
"Fixed a bug where Damage over Time was dealing thrice as much damage to Honour as intended"

"All that fancy sword swinging when all you need is one good stab."

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