Path of Exile 2: Upcoming Changes and Improvements

Thank you so much for the great communication and for addressing balance issues and bugs so quickly.
Zero mention of buffing the completely destroyed trigger gems (particularly cast on crit) ?

Yet everyone is still rerolling to minion/bow and those continue to skate by with minimal or no nerfs?

I don't understand your logic at all.
Last edited by Alcsaar#1714 on Dec 17, 2024, 1:47:56 AM
Great changes, Keep on beeing awsome
Nice changes, the resistance arent updated in hideout yet however ! :D it works in maps- seems like a bug
Thank you GGG! <3
god THANK YOU! The purple orbs have been making me lose my absolute shit in Ritual on my monk. 349875 mobs on top of you with 498576 orbs creeping beneath monster models and deleting your maps
Hello Exiles.

First of all i appreciate your will to improve PoE-2.

But overall, i want to warn you of that kind of philosopy by patching, nerfing, buffing. If you will go further like that - we all end in a diablo-like ARPG.

Trial of the Sekhemas

Players were finding Trial of the Sekhemas particularly frustrating in close range so we’ve reworked how Honour Damage scales when in close range, as well as fixing an important bug that was causing players to take far too much Honour Damage from Damage over Time.

Honour Damage now scales down based on distance to enemies, when in close range you’ll take 35% less Honour Damage, tapering off as you are further away from Monsters.
Fixed a bug where Damage over Time was dealing thrice as much damage to Honour as intended, and fixed a bug where Honour Resistance was only applying to two-thirds of that damage. (This was confusing for us too)
Skitter Golems no longer use basic attacks and instead now just explode.
Serpent Clans burrow and ambush attack now has improved visual telegraphing and cannot be used from as far away.
Volcanoes created by Rattlecage’s Fissure Slam now last half the duration.

I totally agree that this Archivment is very tough. But exactly that sort of play-style is what PoE-2 should offer. Just because the community says MIMIMI and big Streamers force it, does not mean that PoE-2 is too hard. It simply makes the Players thinking that they are not the pink power-ranger who got once the mainrole in one movie and always talk proudly about that, as they did with Diablo-4 archivments. If you would wait with such adaptions we (I am talking about us as Guild "Pixelfreunde" with around 150 Members) all will enjoy the game even if we cry and curse. We dont want a Diablo-like.

Endgame and Monster Balance

Generally the balance in Endgame Maps was more punishing than intended, so we’ve toned down the damage in a number of ways and disabled a certain on-death effect where the telegraphing was not as clear as it should have been.

Maps no longer have additional elemental resistance penalties inherently applied at Tier 6 and Tier 11 or higher Maps. It is now consistent across all of the Endgame.
Chaos Damage now also scales less aggressively over the Endgame.
Critical Strikes from monsters now deal 40% less bonus Damage.
Lowered the baseline monster density of Breach Encounters, primarily by reducing the frequency of the “Elite” monsters appearing.
Disabled the Volatile Crystals Modifier, we’ll revisit this in the future pending telegraphing improvements.
Purple Explosives created by the Volatile Plants Modifier on Rare Monsters now deal significantly less Damage.
The Siphons Flask Charges Modifier on Monsters now drains ten-times less Flask Charges per second. (This was unintentionally draining way too many charges)

Again you reacted to MIMIMI. Chaos-Dmg is respectivly the only DMG which force players to "play the game" with all of the varieties it offers. Dodging, DPS, Resistances - all must be balanced very clever to survive and prevail. This is what we love. With your changes, it is not even necessary to go for Resistances in mind. It is directly forced to everyone to go simply for glass-cannon-builds. This will become boring as Shit rapidly. We go more into the diablo-like Topic with this.

Character and Item Balance

We’ve made Charm Modifiers on Belts substantially more common and now appear at much lower levels. The "of Symbolism" Modifier now appears from level 23 onwards, and the "of Inscription" Modifier now appears from level 64 onwards.
Electrocute is now 25% harder to buildup. (But the Damage Penalty has been removed from the Support Gem).
Added a new Lightning Damage and Electrocute Cluster to the passive tree in between the Ranger and Monk sections.
It is now more difficult to chain-freeze enemies by reducing the amount of Freeze Buildup applied after a Freeze has been applied.
The Hunter's Talisman Notable now grants +1 Charm Slot. The small passive skills leading up to it now grant the stat it formerly gave. The Charm helper text has been updated to indicate that you cannot have more than three Charm Slots unlocked, so that we can add more sources of it in the future.

I know exactly why you nerve all builds that are priorised by a huge amount of players. It is because you cant get an overview of all other mechanics and ascendarys which are not that much hyped. Believe me - all these Players who listen to big Streamers and try to build what they built are absolutley no indicator for your plans. Most of them dont even understand what they rebuilt. Furthermore you take out these builds for future because nobody will be interested in them anymore for a very very very long time. You will have this issue with every promoted builds - that they look stronger than others, but you will never recognize how strong a non-promoted class could be if it is supported.

We ( totally disagree with these 3 points of the patchnotes.

Schnatz -
Solid Changes. hope for more like this in the future
So when will these changes on live?

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