Pathfinder ascendancy detailed feedback
Poison is not bad at all. There is litteraly a Poison Gas Arrow build on the build forum that destroy pinnacle bosses with ease. Not the most OP thing but still very good
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" Which is entirely carried by gas arrow being still overpowered despite being nerfed. The currently available mechanics of poison (and I'm relatively sure ALL dot scaling) is just awful in the game, and propped up only by insanely overperformant individual skills that would still function without the scalar on the dot in the first place. Poison isn't just bad; it's atrocious. As the OP showed well and truly - it's not a sure thing that taking any individual part of the "poison" package is actually a net gain to overall dps due to the overwhelmingly bad downsides they decided to give you in every case. |
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" I checked out that thread. Two corrections: try same build with increased difficulty of pinnacle boss and results will be much worse. And also if you consider fighting sanctum boss for 9 minutes "strong" you probably will be shocked how strong other good builds. I'm not telling that poison is unplayable. But for me build can be considered good only if it's good compared to other good builds. And besides poor scaling it also need more passives just to meet same power level. I'm also farmed at least 10 of 4 floors sanctum and had same results with OP. Sorry for me that's not good. ![]() My bow btw in case you think I'm running bad gear. edit: MY BAD my bow is actually losing dps because of no additional arrows. But still can be compared to one author showcases as "example" because of higher damage numbers. Last edited by dar1us#7393 on Dec 16, 2024, 11:37:01 AM
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" Actually I thought that multiple poisons cloud can't apply more than 1 stack guess gas arrow is better than I thought. But still that just makes it apply more stacks per second and required 2 part ramping: laying clouds and acquiring stacks by boss. For detonating part gas arrow is better just because deadeye can detonate up to 5 clouds at once making it effectively ~2000% damage attack. But even considering it is applying multiple stacks it is still horrible small damage. |
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Just commenting to say I have been running lightning pathfinder and there doesn't really seem to be any reason to choose pathfinder over deadeye. I thought the dps buff from having an active flask, combined with the exposure node would be worth it but if I didn't have to devote so many points to making flask buffs stay on long enough to give me damage, I could have just taken flat damage nodes.
Enduring elixirs is cool in theory, but for some reason I'm not allowed to use it on max life, which kinda makes it a crapshoot whether or not I'm at full damage at any given time. Not to mention that part of it actively works against evasion, my main defense, since I need to get hit at least once to active a flask. |
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" No I've not tried Acrobatics yet, since I'm still only at 78% evasion. I'll definitely try it out if I manage to get more, but as u know I have to invest alot into Flask nodes for pconc. The reduced flask charges I think actually works from belts aswell. Before I specced into reduced Manaflask charges used I tried it with a belt and that's how I confirmed it works. So I'm pretty confident that it's possible to get flask usage down to 3 or even 2 charges with heavy investment. I'm at ~1 aps right now with scattershot and its hard to keep the stacks rolling while dodging attacks on single target, so there's definitely some more tuning needed. My char is also not min-maxed yet, so I'm sure there's still alot more potential. Later on with a +5 proj bow and +2 proj quiver, +1 chaos gem support and +1 chaos gem from the tree I think it's definitely possible to clear T15 maps pretty quickly. For Pinnacle Bosses tho, no idea. Btw. I'm not using Plague bearer. Used it during the campaign, but the activation delay annoyed me and also it doesn't work well with all the reduced poison duration I think. Right now I get up to 3 stacks from withering pressence with Persistence support. Once I've 20 quality up it should be like 5 stacks. If I manage to get more Int it should stack to 6 which is pretty good I think. I can't compare it to bow damage obviously, but I think so far pconc works just like the Devs intended PoE2 to be played. So for my taste, it's pretty good and the other builds need to be toned down. Otherwise we end up with PoE1 meta again. That's just personal preference tho. /edit: The reduced Manaflask usage seems to be rounded heavily in favor of the player. When I had only specced 8% reduced from the tree I was already at 4 charges per attack. Now I got the full 18% reduced and when I equip a belt with 10% reduced it goes down to 3 charges per attack. Last edited by Sadaukar#2191 on Dec 16, 2024, 7:52:52 PM
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+1 vote
I'm trying out elemental (fire) attack pathfinder, but Explosive Concoction is worth nothing compared to Oil Grenade. I'd like to see an option to scale it so that it can be used as a main attack skill, or to make the debuff more effective. I'd like Concoction to be worth 2 ascendancy points. |
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" With enough investment you can achieve somewhat okay-ish dps. I tried level 33 pconc on a widowhail and I can say it is still not enough as I stated in first message. Even more, pconc get benefitted from affix it probably not supposed to. If devs wanted us to play slow why implement chain-stunning chain-freezing jumping and off screening mobs? It is still same as poe 1: have enough dps to kill things before they notice you. My t15-16 experience is really frustrating. Getting constant one-shots from white/blue mobs even with 70% acrobatics evasion 2k hp and capped res (chaos is still 30 tho) are ridiculous, not fun and making me want to play meta build with 13k es evasion and 10 tikes more damage. Best thing I can do is just spent my time in sanctum as it doesn't require enormous damage and feels just better than maps. |
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Could be the case of the Ascendancy suffering from lack of item types and skills right now. Warrior also has mechanics like Rage which seem kinda redundant for a class type that has very slow attacks.
Same with Witch Blood Mage which gives you crit and dying monsters give health orbs, the whole idea sounds like it would work with some type of dagger skill better than wand skill but we don't have Daggers in the game right now. |
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Agree with most of what's been said but wanted to add that other damage types/ailments have access to utility that makes the game much easier. Lightning gets electrocute and shock, cold gets freeze/chill, and poison gets slows supposedly except those don't seem to be working on half the monsters if not at all. Also pretty sure I've never stunned an enemy though its seemingly possible. Bear in mind I could build into having the ability to do these things with unique items/supports, but at that point I might as well not be playing poison. I've also tried using pin with toxic growth and while it works well when it works, it usually doesn't because the boss/rare is already on top or using some one-hit slam that you now can't dodge because you are floating in the air. I wont even go on about the issues I have with this ability, but a simple fix such as allowing us to cancel or i-frames would be appreciated.
TLDR: Poison is a damage over-time ability leaving the player most vulnerable compared to abilities that, well, kill things instantly. And yet it has the most limited and worst form of cc utility that might not even be working right now being slow. Toxic growth sucks. Last edited by BrotherOoy#3789 on Dec 17, 2024, 1:11:01 AM
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