That sudden and massive shift to Mobalytics 🤣 10 days ago 0 links now it's everywhere

That sudden and massive shift to Mobalytics 🤣 10 days ago 0 links now it's everywhere!


🤣 it's comically bad. Like 80% of the screen is trash.

Is mobalytics sharing a portion of ad-revenue? or did they go e-mail like 80% of the influencers and asked them to join for a fee?
Last bumped on Dec 16, 2024, 5:53:27 AM
Any port in the storm.
8 mod maps are the new alch and go.
Any port in the storm.

As a capitalist, one would argue Maxroll missed out on this opportunity. Had they opened the flood gates to randos making bad builds... who knows. They might be swimming in that juicy Ad revenue.

Honestly, if Maxroll fumbled the ball so did GGG.

GGG took the right step with built-in guides for skills and explaining everything MUCH MUCH better with video guides included... as we been telling them for years... but they still missed the ball on:

1 - dealing with RMT
2 - no need for third party tools (price checking, discord RMT adjacent groups)

... but hey the night is young.

Who knows!
Any port in the storm.

GGG took the right step with built-in guides for skills and explaining everything MUCH MUCH better with video guides included... as we been telling them for years... but they still missed the ball on:

1 - dealing with RMT
2 - no need for third party tools (price checking, discord RMT adjacent groups)

... but hey the night is young.

Who knows!

Awakened PoE Trade won't be supporting PoE 2. Sadge.

It would be awesome if PoE 2 had a built in price checker and trade house lister like Torchlight Infinite.
8 mod maps are the new alch and go.
Early on Mobolytics had a POE2 skill tree planner that was better than anyone else's which probably helped. Maxlol is a bit of a joke these days, they tried to cover too many games and the quality of most their guides has really suffered as a result.
Having used both on my phone mobalytics looks and feels so much better. It’s a bit less convenient for guides as not everyone has a detailed play by play through the acts but hey it works and looks good. I didn’t realize how awful it looked for non mobile users, one of our rare w’s I suppose

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