Maps should not close on death

This should be changed as soon as possible - thank you.
Last bumped on Dec 15, 2024, 8:02:18 AM
Got to maps today and learned this horrible design decision first hand. Immediately logged out.
I think you get punished too much for dying, and not just in maps. For example, why are all the monsters back or why is the loot disappearing? WTF GGG…and Yeah, i know its a Beta.
at least you dont lose exp anymore after a death .. thats absolutly fine than ..
Cullonde#3546 wrote:
I think you get punished too much for dying, and not just in maps. For example, why are all the monsters back or why is the loot disappearing? WTF GGG…and Yeah, i know its a Beta.

This is good for servers health and cut coding and allocated resources.

Because no need to keep more instances.
I think most people agree with this. I also think they just tried it out to see, and that it will change somewhat.
at least you dont lose exp anymore after a death .. thats absolutly fine than ..

Yeah this sounded awful to me but if that's the case it's definitely a good trade off, it'd feel a lot better missing progress than losing it
Last edited by CanHazName#2483 on Dec 15, 2024, 6:54:34 AM
Just got to end game maps.
I have a build that destroys the screen but randomly gets 1 shot to something on the floor I can't see.
Think I've died more times looting and things explode after death or something that I have to anything else.

Dying when a bunch of loot is on the floor, and the map closing, on a looting game, is the dumbest design choice of a game I've ever seen.
t0lkien#7048 wrote:
I think most people agree with this. I also think they just tried it out to see, and that it will change somewhat.

Nope, just the vocal minority on the forums. It's fine as is.

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