No Skill Bar Swap With Weapon Swap Is Extremely Frustrating

This isn't about the new auto-swap feature that you can assign certain skills to automatically use your other weapon(s).

In PoE 1, I would have a 2nd bow in my swap with the same skill, or different skill that had support gems meant for AoE/mapping. The usual GMP and/or Chain or Inc AoE support.
When you weap swapped, your *whole* skill bar changed over and you could assign new skills to your right-mouse button and every other icon/hotkey. Then I could put my main skill and keep it on RMB whether I am mapping or focusing on single target/boss.

Now in PoE 2, unless I am mistaken, when you manually weap swap, your whole skill bar stays the same?
I have to either manually move the gems around or click on the RMB icon and set a new right-click skill (regardless of swap or not).

I know some people are going to say "just put your ST or AoE skill on Q-T" somewhere. OK, but that feels awkward and I don't like it. I have to commit RMB to either AoE or ST gem link.

Am I missing anything here in regard to the skill bar not changing when you weap swap? Is there a setting or something I did not click because I can't seem to find anything so far (I'm in PC if that helps).

The only sort of work-around I can think of is a weap swap/bow that has a +2 arrow implicit that will be used with my RMB click, but that doesn't solve my issue %100 if I also need chain or GMP(Scattershot).

Last bumped on Feb 23, 2025, 10:38:58 AM
Anyone know if there's a way to swap hotbars or something with weap swap?
If it helps at all, i've rebound the secondary bar to shift+ lmb/rmb/middle mouse/mouse4 and another key i use.

The difficulty with changing the entire hotbar when you change weapons is the quickswap mechanic currently. Say you, like the character i'm working on, have a weapon/shield in set 1, and a crossbow in set 2.

Raising your shield only requires the use of the Raise shield key, whatever you bind it to, whether your crossbow is in your hands or not. This means using the weapon swap hotkey is extraneous to swapping your weapons; you do not need to press weapon swap, then shield, you will automatically swap to the set with the shield, then raise it.

Now, if this resulted in changing your entire hotbar every time you selected an ability that uses weapon set 1, there would be the issue of 'accidentally' hitting abilities that swapped you to the alternative skill set assigned to the 'other weapon' in this case, which could result in misfired abilities or confusion in players.

I think that's their reasoning for it being the way it is. "You auto swap weapons back and forth, so both weapons use the same binds for fluidity between sets."
If it helps at all, i've rebound the secondary bar to shift+ lmb/rmb/middle mouse/mouse4 and another key i use.

The difficulty with changing the entire hotbar when you change weapons is the quickswap mechanic currently. Say you, like the character i'm working on, have a weapon/shield in set 1, and a crossbow in set 2.

Raising your shield only requires the use of the Raise shield key, whatever you bind it to, whether your crossbow is in your hands or not. This means using the weapon swap hotkey is extraneous to swapping your weapons; you do not need to press weapon swap, then shield, you will automatically swap to the set with the shield, then raise it.

Now, if this resulted in changing your entire hotbar every time you selected an ability that uses weapon set 1, there would be the issue of 'accidentally' hitting abilities that swapped you to the alternative skill set assigned to the 'other weapon' in this case, which could result in misfired abilities or confusion in players.

I think that's their reasoning for it being the way it is. "You auto swap weapons back and forth, so both weapons use the same binds for fluidity between sets."

I get that, but there appears to be multiple forum/Reddit posts of players complaining about the same issue as me - that's is annoying not being able to bind a different skill to the same button that they wish to use which they find most comfortable.

Regarding the secondary bar, I have not tried binding anything to Ctrl + whatever. Is that the only way to make it appear, by holding down Ctrl?
Last edited by 009Status#6939 on Dec 14, 2024, 10:00:22 AM
Regarding the secondary bar, I have not tried binding anything to Ctrl + whatever. Is that the only way to make it appear, by holding down Ctrl?

The bind for "Toggle skill set"?

That will SHOW the other skill set, but the keys there do not need to be bound to ctrl + something in order to use them. Holding Ctrl will just show that set of keys.

You could, for instance, rebind Z to "use bound skill 9", and it would use the far left ability on the list, normally bound to Q, of the 'hidden' skill set you have.
Agree with OP
Regarding the secondary bar, I have not tried binding anything to Ctrl + whatever. Is that the only way to make it appear, by holding down Ctrl?

The bind for "Toggle skill set"?

That will SHOW the other skill set, but the keys there do not need to be bound to ctrl + something in order to use them. Holding Ctrl will just show that set of keys.

You could, for instance, rebind Z to "use bound skill 9", and it would use the far left ability on the list, normally bound to Q, of the 'hidden' skill set you have.

I see what you're saying, but I mean in order for me to use my RMB on another skill I'd have to hold down CTRL while attacking with RMB, which would start to get physically tiresome after a short time or towards the end of a boss fight.
Regarding the secondary bar, I have not tried binding anything to Ctrl + whatever. Is that the only way to make it appear, by holding down Ctrl?

The bind for "Toggle skill set"?

That will SHOW the other skill set, but the keys there do not need to be bound to ctrl + something in order to use them. Holding Ctrl will just show that set of keys.

You could, for instance, rebind Z to "use bound skill 9", and it would use the far left ability on the list, normally bound to Q, of the 'hidden' skill set you have.

I see what you're saying, but I mean in order for me to use my RMB on another skill I'd have to hold down CTRL while attacking with RMB, which would start to get physically tiresome after a short time or towards the end of a boss fight.

I do understand what you're saying. I can imagine changing the "toggle skill set" from a hold to a tap, and having it flip between the two sets, basically switching the 5 abilities to the 4-8 binds to the 9-13 binds and vice versa, and just having a checkbox for "Treat toggle skill set as swap".

Downside would likely be low for an implementation such as this. Look forward to them working on that.
Just the title alone is a no-brainer.

GGG, just do it.

What was it? Great ideas (mechanics) write themselves?


This is one of them.


Weapon swapping, different trees for each weapon swap, then the UI also needs to reflect that.
Just the title alone is a no-brainer.

GGG, just do it.

What was it? Great ideas (mechanics) write themselves?


This is one of them.


Weapon swapping, different trees for each weapon swap, then the UI also needs to reflect that.

I've been playing more and it's still so annoying.

I'd like to link Chain and/or Scattershot to my main skill, but they reduce the dmg so much that it wouldn't be viable to use on a boss.

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