Doryani crash in Act 3 Normal

Everytime I get Doryani to less than 50% life the app crashes and I cannot progress the fight. Any aid incoming?
Last bumped on Dec 22, 2024, 7:23:17 PM
I would like to know too… me and my brother are stopped in act 3 doryani fight at 50%… I want to keep playing but what is there to do can’t even continue. Can’t even see what end game is like with my brother and I don’t want to start a new character to get the same bug.
Had this issue too in coop, my friend crashed twice during the fight, fortunately it added him back into the fight so we could continue.
I also had this crash but it put me back in the fight. After that it didn't happen again when reaching 50 percent.
First time I crashed was in Act 3 Doryani fight. Didn't pay much attention to it because crashes are bound to happen. But it happened again during Act 3 Cruel Doryani. Struck me as odd and something to watch. Happened twice more during the fight and I noticed it happened immediately after he said something along the lines of "Now you are within my grasp" so I'm assuming whatever this line is an audio cue for is causing the issue.
Couch co-op on PS5 our Doryani end Act 3 fight crashed 4 times on us.
Never was at the 50% animation though it was later in the fight.
How did you all get pass this? Relentlessly trying again and again until it is not crashing?

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