Pretty much everything else has diminishing returns (even ES, given that it needs a pause to start recharging), but resistances are plainly additive for some reason.
And the game shouldn't be balanced around having all your elemental resistances capped to at least their natural cap (if not higher). That takes WAY too much affix slots on gear and cut your gearing options by a lot.
By reworking the system, the game can finally throw -10% res per act debuff out and be balanced around more predictable res% that majority of players will reach.
Last edited by just_dont#6539 on Dec 15, 2024, 3:46:25 AM
Posted byjust_dont#6539on Dec 15, 2024, 3:41:54 AM
Balancing resistance is fun and rewarding in poe 1 because it has a secret sauce, gear drops.
Remove this and youre on a slippery slope to 2 stat gear, defence and attack.
Posted byXeonPOE#7768on Dec 15, 2024, 3:54:52 AM
Most people won't even consciously realize how horribly implemented resistances are in Path of Exile and it has slipped past GGG too in recent years as they have been re-evaluating mechanics for PoE2.
Resistance in PoE is calculated so that every point you have is worth more than the last with growing returns until you reach a hard limit, which is then echoed with increases to maximum resistance. This is such a simple mechanic that it's completely overlooked and disassociated from the multitude of damaging side effects that it causes for the game. Resistance needs to have this curve inverted so that the first point you have is the most valuable and every point afterwords has slightly diminished value. While this might all sound niche it is actually immensely impactful and becomes more apparent the more it's inspected.
Let's first look at how the current resistance system in PoE is tedious and counter-intuitive:
Players gain resistance as a form of progression in order to survive fighting stronger enemies, however as players get into the higher levels resistance becomes easier and easier to reach the 75% limit on and this is a problem. There can't be any progression if a limit is quickly hit after all. The solution GGG first and still has is that as the player progresses throughout the game they lose 60% resistance. One of the problems with this is that it's the opposite of satisfying progression; people want more stats and harder enemies, not less stats for the same enemies. This creates a League start and leveling loop that sucks part of the soul out of players. Normally the first stats you get on your character are the most impactful and then everything afterwards generally takes more grinding in order to match due to diminishing returns. Resistance is the opposite of this though as the first few sources, especially after the campaign reductions, may not be enough to actually make a difference in whether you can survive an extra hit, but the last few sources of it either normalize the difficulty or perhaps even trivialize the game... Then they're constantly stripped as you step upon the tedious from design leveling treadmill.
Resistances are anathema to "grinding gear" in their own sick way too. The satisfaction of getting new gear upgrades is constantly tainted by resistances. If you get a new piece of gear that has better stats then you could still be stuck using the worse item you already have until you go through the loathsome process of re-balancing your resistances to match your new item; all because the resistance system is top heavy and you don't want to get 1 shot from missing a single suffix. This can also happen in reverse where you find an item with amazing resistances, but you already have the 75% limit from the house of cards that is your carefully balanced load-out and so would have to do a ton of gear re-balancing just to make it fit without having its amazing stats hard-capped into oblivion.
Now let's talk about how offense vs. defense builds are backwardly affected by resistances. You would think typically a glass canon would skimp on resistances and a tank would go heavy on them, but that just doesn't happen. Since often times only the top 1 or 2 resistance mods on your build will actually save you from getting 1 shot glass cannons will always cap their resistance (not including the 0.1% high end damage/clear characters). Tanks meanwhile just hit a wall at the 75% resistance limit and gain no value from having more of the tank stats, absurdly enough. Maximum resistance instead takes the place of extra resistance, but has the same messy issues normal resistance does and then also suffers from a glaring weakness to penetration modifiers and debuffs.
Now for how situational and temporary sources of resistance are doomed to obscurity. Normally if you have a way to lower damage taken available you will utilize and plan around it for optimal game-play. Sources of resistance are a complete exception to this. Since the top of your resistances are so impactful you will almost never rely on a situational source or outside influence instead of always having the 75% limit on your gear by default. This leaves any source of inconsistent resistance like co-op sceptre/skill auras and the new PoE2 charms amidst other things dead in the crib for the super-majority of players.
You know what the worst part about all of this is? And simultaneously the best part if you are actually trying to fix it? None of the above bullshit needs to exist and it could all be alleviated with a basic change to how resistance modifiers function and are calculated.
Resistance could simply be formulated differently. Instead of all sources of resistance being additive up to a limit, it could just be a rating that is calculated with diminishing returns. A standard viable example being a formula such as (50+0.05*resistance)/(50+resistance)=mitigation multiplier. This example doesn't account for negative resistance values, but does that even need to be in the game to begin with? Resistance could be hard limited to not go below 0 just like how Penetration now works in PoE2 in general. Penetration could be buffed to also apply to Damage over Time effects and then debuffs that apply negative resistances could be changed to instead make the target take More or Increased damage. The campaign reduction would no longer serve a progression purpose and could be removed. Maximum resistance wouldn't need to exist anymore either. Modifiers granting More resistance could be added in and be a relevant high end tank stat perhaps. The % sign would probably need to be removed from resistance descriptions for the sake of clarity. The end value of your resistance mitigation could simply be viewed in the character menu.
That's about it for covering the hidden in plain sight disaster that is resistances and how to effectively remove a ton of horrible symptoms caused as a result. Please GGG fix this now while PoE2 is still in the oven where it would take less work!
dude its a fundamental part of the game. You should really play another game if a core function of the game bothers you this much. This will not change.
Step 1 is to self reflect.
Posted byRKxZlcLUUF#5704on Dec 15, 2024, 3:55:53 AM
dude its a fundamental part of the game. You should really play another game if a core function of the game bothers you this much. This will not change.
That was useful
Posted byMaldosam#3663on Dec 15, 2024, 3:56:57 AM
Balancing resistance is fun and rewarding in poe 1 because it has a secret sauce, gear drops.
Remove this and youre on a slippery slope to 2 stat gear, defence and attack.
They should not remove it, but they should rework it.
Most people won't even consciously realize how horribly implemented resistances are in Path of Exile and it has slipped past GGG too in recent years as they have been re-evaluating mechanics for PoE2.
Resistance in PoE is calculated so that every point you have is worth more than the last with growing returns until you reach a hard limit, which is then echoed with increases to maximum resistance. This is such a simple mechanic that it's completely overlooked and disassociated from the multitude of damaging side effects that it causes for the game. Resistance needs to have this curve inverted so that the first point you have is the most valuable and every point afterwords has slightly diminished value. While this might all sound niche it is actually immensely impactful and becomes more apparent the more it's inspected.
Let's first look at how the current resistance system in PoE is tedious and counter-intuitive:
Players gain resistance as a form of progression in order to survive fighting stronger enemies, however as players get into the higher levels resistance becomes easier and easier to reach the 75% limit on and this is a problem. There can't be any progression if a limit is quickly hit after all. The solution GGG first and still has is that as the player progresses throughout the game they lose 60% resistance. One of the problems with this is that it's the opposite of satisfying progression; people want more stats and harder enemies, not less stats for the same enemies. This creates a League start and leveling loop that sucks part of the soul out of players. Normally the first stats you get on your character are the most impactful and then everything afterwards generally takes more grinding in order to match due to diminishing returns. Resistance is the opposite of this though as the first few sources, especially after the campaign reductions, may not be enough to actually make a difference in whether you can survive an extra hit, but the last few sources of it either normalize the difficulty or perhaps even trivialize the game... Then they're constantly stripped as you step upon the tedious from design leveling treadmill.
Resistances are anathema to "grinding gear" in their own sick way too. The satisfaction of getting new gear upgrades is constantly tainted by resistances. If you get a new piece of gear that has better stats then you could still be stuck using the worse item you already have until you go through the loathsome process of re-balancing your resistances to match your new item; all because the resistance system is top heavy and you don't want to get 1 shot from missing a single suffix. This can also happen in reverse where you find an item with amazing resistances, but you already have the 75% limit from the house of cards that is your carefully balanced load-out and so would have to do a ton of gear re-balancing just to make it fit without having its amazing stats hard-capped into oblivion.
Now let's talk about how offense vs. defense builds are backwardly affected by resistances. You would think typically a glass canon would skimp on resistances and a tank would go heavy on them, but that just doesn't happen. Since often times only the top 1 or 2 resistance mods on your build will actually save you from getting 1 shot glass cannons will always cap their resistance (not including the 0.1% high end damage/clear characters). Tanks meanwhile just hit a wall at the 75% resistance limit and gain no value from having more of the tank stats, absurdly enough. Maximum resistance instead takes the place of extra resistance, but has the same messy issues normal resistance does and then also suffers from a glaring weakness to penetration modifiers and debuffs.
Now for how situational and temporary sources of resistance are doomed to obscurity. Normally if you have a way to lower damage taken available you will utilize and plan around it for optimal game-play. Sources of resistance are a complete exception to this. Since the top of your resistances are so impactful you will almost never rely on a situational source or outside influence instead of always having the 75% limit on your gear by default. This leaves any source of inconsistent resistance like co-op sceptre/skill auras and the new PoE2 charms amidst other things dead in the crib for the super-majority of players.
You know what the worst part about all of this is? And simultaneously the best part if you are actually trying to fix it? None of the above bullshit needs to exist and it could all be alleviated with a basic change to how resistance modifiers function and are calculated.
Resistance could simply be formulated differently. Instead of all sources of resistance being additive up to a limit, it could just be a rating that is calculated with diminishing returns. A standard viable example being a formula such as (50+0.05*resistance)/(50+resistance)=mitigation multiplier. This example doesn't account for negative resistance values, but does that even need to be in the game to begin with? Resistance could be hard limited to not go below 0 just like how Penetration now works in PoE2 in general. Penetration could be buffed to also apply to Damage over Time effects and then debuffs that apply negative resistances could be changed to instead make the target take More or Increased damage. The campaign reduction would no longer serve a progression purpose and could be removed. Maximum resistance wouldn't need to exist anymore either. Modifiers granting More resistance could be added in and be a relevant high end tank stat perhaps. The % sign would probably need to be removed from resistance descriptions for the sake of clarity. The end value of your resistance mitigation could simply be viewed in the character menu.
That's about it for covering the hidden in plain sight disaster that is resistances and how to effectively remove a ton of horrible symptoms caused as a result. Please GGG fix this now while PoE2 is still in the oven where it would take less work!
dude its a fundamental part of the game. You should really play another game if a core function of the game bothers you this much. This will not change.
They would never change it in poe 1, but they should for poe 2. it's a different game. The way it is set up is restrictive and regressive.
Well thought out and useful feedback OP, and people seem to agree, but I don't (and it's ok)
I actually like the way resistances work in POE 1 (they work the same 2, but not enough experience yet to know how it fits in the whole), in particular atually the fact that it's top-heavy, which is increased even further with increasing max res.
It makes capping and over-capping them mandatory, true, and that can be a negative, BUT if you are given the tools to manage them efficiently (I'm thinking in particular about juice crafting to switch res on items), they become at some point just an aspect of your build that you solve with enough knowledge. I'm not a theory crafter or anything (I follow builds and don't feel shame about it. Ain't got no time to try broken builds), but it rewards the little modicum of knowledge you need to thrive in endgame, and I like it.
But I can understand that people, may be with better understanding of the game than me don't.
Just my 2 cents :)
Posted byMaldosam#3663on Dec 15, 2024, 4:05:57 AM
I agree.
The resistance system in POE 1 really is a MISTAKE and POE 2 is an opportunity to correct it. I hope they don't waste it.
The POE 1 system is straight up stupid
- having the cap is mandatory
- but you keep getting debuffed to force the gear progression
This is a complete unnecessary and convoluted mess. Simply give the resistance gear a massive nerf and remove the progressive debuff from the game.
Simply nerf the resistances to the point that 40% is the baseline and 70% is a nearly unobtainable territory for the "immortal" zdps builds.
You can accomplish the same result with fewer steps. The current system is just confusing and embarrassing, it doesn't need to be like this.
Posted byCpt_Katawa#5469on Dec 15, 2024, 4:14:16 AM
I agree.
The resistance system in POE 1 really is a MISTAKE and POE 2 is an opportunity to correct it. I hope they don't waste it.
The POE 1 system is straight up stupid
- having the cap is mandatory
- but you keep getting debuffed to force the gear progression
This is a complete unnecessary and convoluted mess. Simply give the resistance gear a massive nerf and remove the progressive debuff from the game.
Simply nerf the resistances to the point that 40% is the baseline and 70% is a nearly unobtainable territory for the "immortal" zdps builds.
You can accomplish the same result with fewer steps. The current system is just confusing and embarrassing, it doesn't need to be like this.
Massively agree.
You can accomplish the same result with fewer steps.
POE 2 is already massively dumbed down from POE 1.
It really is going to become dodge roll simulator 2.0 if this kind of direction of travel continues.
Posted byXeonPOE#7768on Dec 15, 2024, 4:21:35 AM