Reddit 1 day POE subreddit ban

Only 1 day? Rookie numbers. ^^
kiddo is a weird insult in a community that is probably filled with ~40years old gamers xD

don't see why it would be ban-material though.
Being banned from that subreddit is a sign of intelligence, remember their jannies do it for free.
Kurnis#0620 wrote:
The message literally says I got a ban for saying "Simmer down there kiddo"

Careful out there guys!! 😂😂😂

Serves you right for posting on Reddit.

It ain't much better here. Already stopped posting on my main account since you get edited or probated for hardly anything because of overreporting by hyper neurotic poe players who are sitting there smashing their keyboards all day. Probably the angriest and most petulant community on earth.
the mods there are not paid. i dont blame the mods. i blame reddit.

many do not remember there was a big hoo-ha about reddit API. many good reddit mods left the platform as a form of protest.

the ones remaining are whatever's left. some are quite militant.

for example my main reddit account for over 12 years was banned.

i was responding to a topic where a dude was jailed for engaging paid sexual services with a minor.

my comment was a long the line of, if he truly did not know or if he was deceived then there should be some consideration given. coz its kinda weird to demand a persons ID before sex.

BANNED. apparently my comment was normalizing child abuse and would not be tolerated.

anyway i've learned that nowadays reddit is full of weird ass people. its been infiltrated by normies and twitter SJWs and 12 year olds.

and with reddit being "democratic" in nature and smarter people are higher up on the curve, you get a lot of stupid shit being pushed up.
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b_ko#7756 wrote:
Kurnis#0620 wrote:
The message literally says I got a ban for saying "Simmer down there kiddo"

Careful out there guys!! 😂😂😂

Serves you right for posting on Reddit.

It ain't much better here. Already stopped posting on my main account since you get edited or probated for hardly anything because of overreporting by hyper neurotic poe players who are sitting there smashing their keyboards all day. Probably the angriest and most petulant community on earth.

And yet all these people are sitting here, probation and edit free?

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