[POE 2] Buffer Underflow Crash Jungle Ruins (Can't play)

Exact same location, exact same error. Buffer underflow, Cruel Mode, Act 3, Jungle Ruins, fighting big white ape. Cannot login to Ranger any longer without it crashing straight to desktop without error. I can, however, load into any other character without issues.
same issue but not on cruel yet, my third char and first time this has happened? Any fix yet?
Encountered the same issue and it crashed when entering cruel jungle, showing the error message "buffer underflow" as shown in OP.
Can't log in to the character.

Update: Was able to log in after waiting some time.
Last edited by djimmy#2834 on Dec 26, 2024, 3:07:00 PM
Yup...this just happened to my Deadeye. Am reinstalling currently. Let's see is that is indeed the fix.

I tried changing data centre and verifying game files - both didn't nothing to fix the issue.
Same, cannot play the game anymore.

Deleted shared cache with Disk Cleanup and also set NVidea Shader Cache to deactivated. It did not help.
Me too, i was in the jungle ruins in the sixth act
+1 Act 6 Jungle Ruins.
Buffer Underflow.
Unable to login the character in Jungle Ruins, but other characters are able to login.
Ranger on Tornado / Ice Shot in act 6 Jungle Ruins - same error - will wait some time for the map to reset.
I waited about 30 minutes and was able to login to the ranger after verifying games files. It seems the fix is simply to wait out the zone trash cycle.

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