After GGG has nerfed the triggers to 10 percent, I have to respec all the passive trees. grind for 3 hours, cost me about 300k. And the new setup does not do so well. Need to respc again, and found no gold. Whats the problem of letting the players respec? If you set the bar this high how we are going to test all the stuff in the game? Just like your nerf to the triggers, tune down the cost for respec to ten percent or even 1%. This is so frustrating right now.
Last bumped on Dec 13, 2024, 6:00:34 PM
just gonna keep reposting this:

A lot of the negative feedback from the recent (as of posting) on-cast nerfs is coming from people who had spec'd into a hyper focused build, and then at high level could not afford to respec once that build had been made useless. Now, part of the early access process is finding these exploitable's so that they can be removed.

My suggestion is, since half the point of the EA is us to take the game and break it, why not make respec free or essentially free with the understanding that it's purely for experimentation during the EA beta process?

This will allow people to more quickly find abusable builds, and to recover after they do. Otherwise it's a multi-day process to reach an end game build, and that's assuming you're locked in and sweating it.

Simply be sure to communicate thoroughly that this WILL change when the game reaches 1.0, and then return to normal gold costs once you figure major overhauls are over.
just gonna keep reposting this:

A lot of the negative feedback from the recent (as of posting) on-cast nerfs is coming from people who had spec'd into a hyper focused build, and then at high level could not afford to respec once that build had been made useless. Now, part of the early access process is finding these exploitable's so that they can be removed.

My suggestion is, since half the point of the EA is us to take the game and break it, why not make respec free or essentially free with the understanding that it's purely for experimentation during the EA beta process?

This will allow people to more quickly find abusable builds, and to recover after they do. Otherwise it's a multi-day process to reach an end game build, and that's assuming you're locked in and sweating it.

Simply be sure to communicate thoroughly that this WILL change when the game reaches 1.0, and then return to normal gold costs once you figure major overhauls are over.

I would say that it should not be free on EA, but maybe on lower cost. Making balance in respec price is as well part of EA tweaking.
Imagine the fun we could have when the respec of the passive tree would be free... Please fix this and make if free. Not all people have 100+ hours to play and thinker with their build...
If you dont follow the perfect build guide you basically fucked for specs. I have no idea what the purpose of this insane cost is, or even having a cost at all. You dont want people to experiment? Try things out? Try respecing at level 75.. Its insane! You basically cant.
If they allow free respec now, people are gonna take if for granted and require it for release.

Respec cost is good as it is. at lvl 48 I have 60k+ gold.
Take the habit to fetch all the drops and sell what you don't need.
If you can't bother, you can still restart a character.
Your input on the leveling experience will always matters.
I think a flat 500 maybe a node is not too much to ask. I would like it free or cheaper.

Respec cost is good as it is. need.

it absolutely isnt. and 90% of the player base will agree with me.

the core of the fun in an arpg is figuring out builds and fighting tougher and tougher content + getting loot.

whats not fun is picking up trash on the ground while having a hilariously tiny bag space to sell to merchants just so i can do basic stuff like respec.

its 2024, just because something was tradition doesnt mean its right. the pointless, tedious things do not need to exist. in a 10 year old game, the playerbase is getting older and older too, we have families,jobs, etc. we not the same people that we were in our 20's with endless free time. i like this game and want to enjoy the fun parts of it. i wish it would respect my time in return and not make me do all this pointless shit.

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