0.10.8 Information and Race Updates

Can we make all of Lunaris and Solaris about 15% smaller, that would be great!
I have extra beta keys and I'm not giving them out

PoE1 > PoE2
TheAnuhart wrote:

Any chance of asking yourselves what you would want as a solo player

Last edited by maxyohax#2646 on Apr 30, 2013, 7:09:18 AM
Chris wrote:
FenerStyler wrote:
Hmm.. actually nothing new, I see no changes to end game maps ..
Interested on minimap change a bit, but that was it =(

I hope patches get better like the first ones where you could see so many new things..

These aren't the full patch notes - they're just some changes that we wanted to discuss so that you can see some of what's coming up in the next week.

For example, new uniques!

Any new skills?
Shogen wrote:
Chris wrote:
FenerStyler wrote:
Hmm.. actually nothing new, I see no changes to end game maps ..
Interested on minimap change a bit, but that was it =(

I hope patches get better like the first ones where you could see so many new things..

These aren't the full patch notes - they're just some changes that we wanted to discuss so that you can see some of what's coming up in the next week.

For example, new uniques!

Any new skills?

We don't need new skills, we need more balanced skills, we want more viable skills not just dumb LA spamming killing everything offscreen.
In game name - VomitingRainbows - GMT +1
I have to say I like the changes you are making- specially on the reward tiers for races. I think it will definitely be easier to invite non-racers to give racing a try.

Thank you, and keep up the great work guys! :)

I also want to add that I'm looking forward to the rebalancing of skills- I think that making some of the underused skills more attractive would be another great step forward.
Last edited by vinsimbulan#5571 on Apr 30, 2013, 7:17:59 AM
Uvne wrote:
I think going through with the changes is a mistake, and fails to contextualize the discontent in the feedback thread. Most of the articulate responses explained why this change has strong negative effects on the low level of the map system, while the positive responses were generally only positive because the players felt they would have a better shot at accessing the map system. Other positive responses included those who prefer to get higher level by opting in to easier content, and while this will certainly be a result, it worries me if these changes are concessions to those players.

Moosifer wrote:
Cannot wait for all the complaints about the new area levels. The same people who gave a +1 or quick "ya sounds good" are going to be the ones losing their minds on the forums because act 3 merci will be hell to get through. Just imagine while leveling you jumped into an easy mod lvl 66 maps middle of act 3 when you clearly aren't ready to handle mapping. You will be stuck grinding act 2, then city of sarn, then getting frustrated at docks, then in lunaris then once you have enough lvl 68 maps (as all that grinding will give you alot of 66s and you'll be close or over 80 so what's the point of starting at 66 maps, vendor them up and take RNG out of it) you'll finally reach the end game, where you can grind for gear to do lvl 77 maps (ofc you have to find them first).

It's grinding so you can grind. Not even being most effective either, just to allow yourself to progress. This is one of the reasons D3 was so frustrating, you farmed act 1 inferno to allow yourself to farm act 2 inferno, to allow yourself to farm act 3 inferno then you hoped to get gear 1% better to speed up your clear speed in the slightest. All of this knowing that 50m upgrade you just bought will only be significantly improved by a 2b gold upgrade.

I'm begging you, don't do it. I was so happy you did away with it in alpha, please don't bring it back.

These two posts sum up almost all my concerns. I already posted some long replies in the feedback forum questioning these changes and arguing why I think it's a bad move. I won't repeat myself, just saying I expect a lot of players that are positive towards these changes realize the mistake and complain about them later on.

The only thing to wait for is to see how maps are rebalanced to be more profitable, all thigns considered right now 66-68 maps will be relegated to nothingness after your first high lvl character when you have got enough 69-70 maps to keep playing these. The move towards static content grinding (like stupid boss runs) is awful. Map system was one of the big improvements to capitalize and exploit in ARPG genre, but the progressive changes to gate the content ("paytoplay") and encourage eternal unrewarding grinding it's discouraging.

The biggest problem of the game right now, after technical problems (sync and poor optimization) is totally broken risk (the risk of your character, not totally rng-driven risk)/reward in the game in pretty much all fronts.

Well, the minimap changes seems good, along rebalancing old skills instead of implementing more useless skills. But the content changes, I'm very sceptical and this certainly does not encourage me to play more.
You know the game is going downhill when content like that listed in the first post is given priority over desync and melee/ranged disparity.

Good choice GGG.....
Chris wrote:
We were sorely missing repeatable end-game boss runs. It was a major oversight to launch Open Beta with Piety runs as lacklustre as they were. These changes make her a lot more rewarding. It's a lot of fun to do Merciless Piety runs and actually have a chance at decent items and experience.

A problem I had with Piety runs is that she drops so much loot that it literally goes off the screen. I had to run my character downwards just to see the text for an item, and when I clicked it, my character ran back to Piety to pick it up.
I feel that level change of A3 is good, even if it have some other drawbacks. Nevermind, its enough discussed at the Development Manifesto post.

I'm really intersested about what changes comes by revisiting reward system (at least on maps), and well, still waiting for any manifesto that cover current crafting system and develop team thoughts.

With those first four gems to be rebalanced you mean that the next patch will be for those only right? Will you make auras quality more appealing? You planning of nerfing popular ones like LA/FP/EK/EleCleave? I'm not agree to do that, I'm more of the thinking of improving the less popular ones ;), but I would like to know your opinion.
Chris wrote:

We were sorely missing repeatable end-game boss runs. It was a major oversight to launch Open Beta with Piety runs as lacklustre as they were. These changes make her a lot more rewarding. It's a lot of fun to do Merciless Piety runs and actually have a chance at decent items and experience.

As someone who has been around since well before closed beta started, this is absolutely huge news. Previously, bosses were just there to progress in the game which felt boring and unrewarding. They were just like normal enemies that did a bit more damage and had way too much health. Never dropped anything of use. Boss runs are huge for an arpg and I hope this change eventually makes itself part of the other bosses and even other difficulties. Not to say you should get 10 uniques every boss run, but the chance should be high enough for something good to make it worth doing over just a normal level.

I haven't been hugely active lately but this would help pull me back in.
Last edited by sharkh20#2500 on Apr 30, 2013, 7:24:54 AM

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