0.10.8 Information and Race Updates

Jiman wrote:
... it makes me a sad panda.

You at least have pandaria to return to while we're stuck in wraeclast.
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.

You made act3 that big and added a colloseum how about arena fights vs random packs.
Similar to PVP. Instead of fighting players you fights big mob packs and record the time similar to blade & sword(chinese d2 clone) and on the final stages you fight 4 brutus 1 vaal 1 piety at the same time for example.

THIS got me vamped up. First I thought he was on crack but then I started to like the idea.
IGNs: [TempCI, Flamin, - Std] / [EK_Tanker - HC]
[Comstark, ShavronnesMistress - Anarchy] [MontreGulsTITANS, - Dom / CLHS_Tank - Nemesis]
[Atziri_Achiever - Ambush] / [ArcerONaRampage - Rampage]
If Chris or another GGG happens to post again, I just have a quick follow-up question:

In testing, why is running a 66 map rather than converting it a good idea? It's only 3 66 maps to a 67, and I'd be hard pressed to get that upgrade ratio running them myself. If maps is the only endgame, you can usually sustain 66s while upgrading to 67s at roughly that ratio, but if you have access to 68 content, I don't fully understand where the incentive is to ever run a 66. Potentially even a 67.

Could someone please show us the numbers on why running a 66 would be rational behavior given that one wants to reach 90+
Mostly good looking changes incoming. Looking forward to the patch.

Will we be getting a signature event leaderboard in the near future?

Edit: Couple comments~

Why not restrict top uniques to maps? This would give players a reason to risk 66-67 maps instead of just grinding catacombs and lunaris safely for identical rewards, then vendoring their 66-67 maps for 68 maps and moving on from there. The option to do safer, static and free runs would still exist, but the risk:reward would be more balanced.

I also think lunaris and catacombs need the full spectrum of elemental and chaos damage if theyre going to be map-alternate grinding areas, either via inclusion of extra monsters, extra elemental and/or chaos damage on some of the currently present monsters and the addition of a "extra chaos damage" mod, similar to the current elemental damage mods, to the blue/yellow monster affix pool.

Id still like to see 66-67 side areas in a1 and a2 as well. Theres no good reason to restrict endgame play to the final act. All those 83-85 side areas throughout hell difficulty in 1.10+ d2 made for varied and interesting endgame grinding/mfing areas and similar would surely work well in poe.
IGN: KoTao
Last edited by KoTao#4717 on Apr 30, 2013, 3:37:53 PM
BlackSwordsman01 wrote:
turn puncture into a support gem,

increase phys damage on bleed VASTLY. 50-100%
make it stackable on hit (max 250-300%)

I dont know since I dont use it but make the bleeding damage contribute to phys health regen on damage.

there, physical melee has just been vastly improved.

Some spells definitely need to be fixed, like arctic breath. Right now, there are only 2-3 spells that really do damage compared to others. They also have to de-lagged as well, since spells like arctic breath causes lag when used. Some monsters used as specters also need to be de-lagged.

I think armor and evasion needs to be changed. Right now, only vast amount of hp nodes and using armor flask are buildable (or energy shield). Need it more balanced to allow different builds. Like all characters gain some hp and mana pool per level.

I would say making a ACT 4 or even a ACT 5 will dramatically help allow higher level characters.
nice work ggg
Hardcore is how we play ™

Best ladder ranking so far: OhSnapIsRerolling, rank 85 HC Nemesis League
Yep still boring :( Took a looooooong break and came back. Played a bit and got bored as hell. Sigh...had such promise.
BlackSwordsman01 wrote:
turn puncture into a support gem,

increase phys damage on bleed VASTLY. 50-100%
make it stackable on hit (max 250-300%)
also, i dont know if this is the case put bleeding ignores armor.

I dont know since I dont use it but make the bleeding damage contribute to phys health regen on damage.

there, physical melee has just been vastly improved.

It would be too op, all I'd have to do is link it to cyclone and just watch everything bleed to death as they chase me around.
I have extra beta keys and I'm not giving them out

PoE1 > PoE2
We're looking at rebalancing every skill in the game. The first four are:
-Lightning Warp
-Freeze Mine

I want to make a dual totem LW build for the month race, any vague info how they will be changed? Want to know if I should bother making my character as planned if these are repurposed/nerfed a week into the race.

Thanks for all the quality of life changes. Maybe you should simply write into every patch notes that you are working on desynch so we don't have a dozen "you aren't working on desynch!!!1" every patch/news post.
... is not a troll

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