0.10.8 Information and Race Updates

gh0un wrote:
Chris wrote:
People keep suggesting we're caving to the masses, but these changes are motivated by our internal testing and design philosophies that we have been following since we started the project.

A large part of any decision we make is asking ourselves what we would want as players. We're in a unique position where we can make the decisions that are best for the game without being held back by some parent company or oppressive publisher.

How can i take this seriously when the OP basically says "based on positive feedback from the thread, we are gonna go through with the changes although there are some very valid concerns regarding the change that have to be adressed" while you proceed to completely ignore the "adress" part, because as far as i can see there is no real adressing happening at all.

Making a change based on "empty positive feedback" (most of the positive feedback was a +1 post without any argument on why the change would be good), thus coping to the masses (yes you coped to the higher number of positive feedback), instead of going with the change that would result in a better game (valid concerns being brought up).

This post and the OP contradict each other.
If that feedback thread would have had 100% negative posts, would you have gone through with it?
If the answer is yes, then why open a feedback thread anyways? To pretend that you care?
If the answer is no, then why lie about "coping to the masses", the answer "no" clearly means that you are gonna cope to the feedback that is in the majority, thus coping to the masses.
I mean you even acknowledged that the negative feedback was indeed of utmost importance, but you did not provide any real information on how you are going to adress it.
This is the only thing you brought up:
Maps will get signature monsters: one dedicated pack slot with the rest random. This reduces variance.
Rewards will be revisited.
We are currently investigating implicit mods and new map zones. This will probably not make it in to 0.10.8.
Map bosses are being reworked. In 0.10.8 Asphyxia will be redone.

I dont see how reducing variance helps with 66-68 maps being useless.
I know you keep bringing up that people need to do them in order to progress in the map tier at all, but people dont wanna do that even now (as is evidenced by your statement that people still farm docks instead of maps, dont deny this now), so why would they do it after these changes which take even more incentive away from earlier map tiers?

Signature monsters reducing variance is good and all, but the problem is that the variance is not the issue in the first place.
I probably did 5000 maps in total (open beta and closed beta combined), and i had it all: running 25 nicely rolled maps in order to get nothing VS 3 blue maps dropping 7 maps per run.
One thing that never changed is that i was never able to reach the higher level maps without investing about 15 chaos per map (and 4 chisels), and even then it never lasted long.
The other thing that never changed is that hard mods are useless and should be avoided at all costs, otherwise you even run the risk of running out of maps.
The hard mods grant additive quantity increases (EVEN lower in value) while the easy mods grant multiplicative quantity increases (higher in value).
I dont see how reducing variance helps this at all.
Here is my thread where i explain that the hard mods are useless (and why this is the case):

"Rewards will be revisited".
Very vague statement that basically does not tell us anything.

"We are currently investigating implicit mods and new map zones. This will probably not make it in to 0.10.8."
Another vague statement that basically serves as a stalling attempt.

"Map bosses are being reworked. In 0.10.8 Asphyxia will be redone."
Thats unrelated to the negative feedback in the thread.

So basically we have no specific adressing going on at all, while you already want to implement the changes from the manifesto, undermining all of the hard leveling that the people above level 80 had to go through (using currencies), without giving them anything.
I want a refund on those currencies if you go through with this change.
I burned through 15-20 exalted worth of currency since open beta (i even have this on tape i think since i was recording stuff for my youtube channel).
I will even give it away on my channel since im not playing anyways, since there is just no point.

Well first of all, you are angry, so don't start flaming me, I am trying to give an opinion on the matter, not play devil's lawyer here.

GGG is using the feedback threads as a way to determine if their choices have some impact that they may have not though of. It is not a bad practice, but if you already know that you want to make a certain change, asking people to give feedback is like asking for justification. Negative comments are swamped in positives, but regardless, if anyone is reading the thread, they can see the concerns that arise and they may decide. Now if the concerns seem invalid to the devs, it is fine, they have some data in their hands, that even if not representative of the actual situation, it may lead them to either ignore the point or keep it somewhere for future reference. E.g. I may state that this makes the game too easy, but the devs may think that most people thing otherwise. Now if in a later time things get different and the game gets too easy, my concern may be valid and they may rethink their point. Plus we never know what they have planned for the future, so who knows how far we are from quality content for high level.

Concerning the map system changes, I cannot say I know much about what they are planning, but maybe things will be better. Reducing variance may mean less RNG in Maps which effectively means allowing progression more easily for people. Drop changes seem a welcome thing in order to actually make it more important to run maps instead of infite Dock grind and Map Boss changes may also mean secure map slots from bosses, allowing people to progress? I do not know, the statements are indeed very vague, but we'll see, we cannot decide if something that we have very little clue about is going to be good or bad.

And, to conclude, you are warned from the beginning that this is a Beta. You know this. This is not something you were informed of today. Spending currency to run maps in previous patch and now asking for a refund or so is pretty much rant without any glimpse of usefulness. I sympathize with your problem, I have run lots of maps and spent quite some currency, but I cannot blame the game for being unfinished and or needing tuning and changes. The devs are trying to give accessibility to endgame content to more people so that the community does not die. Think about it, if maps become more accessible and certain things change, the market will shift, the ridiculous exalted prices may become reasonable because people may actually use them for map rolling and it may prove to be positive. I would not say that people who want a refund or a way to feel less cheated are the typical "entitled" mass, but I can clearly see the problem lying in the Open Beta, an unfinished game needs your opinion to be shaped and if the opinion of 90% of the people is different from yours, obviously you will have some kind of problem and some feeling of being cheated. But it is only normal, plus if you know the ropes and are high level, you can profit in the early days of the patch from map selling and pretty much get set on your merry way. Same concerns arise with skill gems, but we shall see and decide over time. ;)
IGN: TheEvilGoat
Class: Two Handed Sword Duelist
Proffession: Poor Melee with crap items
A good start I imagine, but I would have thought the melee issues, the desyncs and having a proper working online trade system would have been the higher priorities.

Alas, it is not so. More waiting I guess.
Last edited by RamzaBehoulve#2076 on Apr 30, 2013, 8:46:31 AM
Agree on the melee issues but the other features don't add much to gameplay itself. Desync is terrible in HC I give you that but the majority of people don't play HC. Trading is annoying but it still can be done. In fact, I kind of like that it's so primitive.
Spiritios wrote:
Spending currency to run maps in previous patch and now asking for a refund or so is pretty much rant without any glimpse of usefulness.

We tried getting something done by posting productive feedback in that thread, and we failed.
If productive feedback does not work, resorting to rants seems to be the better option since GGG often listens to rants.
Rants accomplished a great deal of many things in the beta already, if constructive feedback does not get the job done, i will resort to pretend that i am ranting instead.
You basically did not even saw the irony in my little rant towards the end, but still came to the conclusion that i am angry.
I brought up valid concerns and i also brought up how chris contradicts himself in those two posts.
I am tired though, of providing excellent feedback (for several months now), only to have the "ranting folks" to get what they want.

Your segment about this being a beta, what exactly are you trying to tell me with that statement?
That i should not provide any feedback "since its a beta" or what exactly are you trying to accomplish with that sentence, since it makes no sense whatsoever.
Maps beyond 66 do not become more accessible through this change, at all.

Basically your whole post was based on the false assumption that i am angry, thus disregarding almost any of the valid points. Well done sir.
I will just kindly ask you to reread what i wrote, because i am tired of explaining the same stuff again and again.

The fact of the matter here is that this change does nothing for 67+ maps, it just makes it easier to level to about 85.
Once people are at that level, the same problems that are in place right now, will still be in place, just worse.
Last edited by gh0un#3019 on Apr 30, 2013, 9:16:35 AM
WHEN, OMG, WHEN are you going to do something about ARMOUR? (which is a total joke)
gh0un wrote:
Spiritios wrote:
Spending currency to run maps in previous patch and now asking for a refund or so is pretty much rant without any glimpse of usefulness.

We tried getting something done by posting productive feedback in that thread, and we failed.
If productive feedback does not work, resorting to rants seems to be the better option since GGG often listens to rants.
Rants accomplished a great deal of many things in the beta already, if constructive feedback does not get the job done, i will resort to pretend that i am ranting instead.
You basically did not even saw the irony in my little rant towards the end, but still came to the conclusion that i am angry.
I brought up valid concerns and i also brought up how chris contradicts himself in those two posts.
I am tired though, of providing excellent feedback (for several months now), only to have the "ranting folks" to get what they want.

Your segment about this being a beta, what exactly are you trying to tell me with that statement?
That i should not provide any feedback "since its a beta" or what exactly are you trying to accomplish with that sentence, since it makes no sense whatsoever.
Maps beyond 66 do not become more accessible through this change, at all.

Basically your whole post was based on the false assumption that i am angry, thus disregarding almost any of the valid points. Well done sir.
I will just kindly ask you to reread what i wrote, because i am tired of explaining the same stuff again and again.

The fact of the matter here is that this change does nothing for 67+ maps.

On the contrary, it does a little something by providing accessibility to level 66 maps that are allowing you to get 67 maps from. If the map changes that reduce randomness in maps are chaning the RNG problem by actually allowing you to effectively get higher level maps, doesn't that help? If you are able to get a ton of 66 maps and in these you have less random stuff to cope with and higher chances to get level 67 maps won't you actually be able to progress to top tier maps? Plus level 66 maps can be traded in pairs or triads (not sure) for 67 and so on so if you farm a lot of them easily you will have secure access to higher level maps. This is time-consuming, but it is a safe bet to use it to access the later content. Doesn't that help you get more maps in the long run? Or if prices drop, one Exalted may equal enough level 66 maps to craft a 72 map from vendor and roll it with friends or solo or whatever. Isn't that a welcome change? It could be better, agreed, but if they generally improve accessibilty to low level maps, the drop possiblity of higher level ones becomes higher and more people will have higher level maps that want to share because, well because they cannot actually solo!

The segment about beta is mainly me saying that the game is clearly unfinished and GGG hasn't said that dumping all out currency in anything is actually fine because the next day they may nerf it to hell, which in a finished game is much more unlikely (at least a properly finished game that is). I do not say it is not cruel to boldy destroy people who ran maps in the past and ask them to start all over with no currency, but we gotta go ahead and try to make the best out of it if the vast majority supports this. If you or anyone is a decent player (which I do not doubt) and wants to get to endgame content, you can always try again and with more areas that drop maps, you may be better off than before. I honestly do not have a clue on how GGG could help people that feel cheated from this. I understand how bad it is, same with many changes, but seriously over time everyone in the playerbase will dislike at least one patch and will have concerns, it does not mean that GGG shall start handing us Exalted orbs, they must think of something that makes some sense.

Now, about the angry part, well I misjudged and I am sorry. The fact that you think ranting may accomplish what reason didn't makes me wonder how we got to this point in the first place, but I see why you think so. The problem is that rant is always heard because of it always coming on top, ranting people keep going forever, people with reasonable criticism say their stuff once and fly away. The problem lies in that, not in the fact that ranting is actually more probable to be used by someone to make a choice. ;)
IGN: TheEvilGoat
Class: Two Handed Sword Duelist
Proffession: Poor Melee with crap items
Last edited by Spiritios#4354 on Apr 30, 2013, 9:26:28 AM
Finally a chance to farm Lioneye's Glare and Kaom's without going into the maps.
IGN - Burq
gh0un wrote:

We tried getting something done by posting productive feedback in that thread, and we failed.
If productive feedback does not work, resorting to rants seems to be the better option since GGG often listens to rants.
Rants accomplished a great deal of many things in the beta already, if constructive feedback does not get the job done, i will resort to pretend that i am ranting instead.
You basically did not even saw the irony in my little rant towards the end, but still came to the conclusion that i am angry.
I brought up valid concerns and i also brought up how chris contradicts himself in those two posts.
I am tired though, of providing excellent feedback (for several months now), only to have the "ranting folks" to get what they want.

Honestly I went on a huge rant about loot timers with names causing entitlement issues and there was plenty of flaming and trolling and Charan locked the thread.

But sure enough, a few weeks later Chris announced they were removing names because players felt entitled and they wanted to reduce the drama but keep the loot tension.

Ironic I think is the word that applies here.
I have extra beta keys and I'm not giving them out

PoE1 > PoE2
Myrmi wrote:
nothing about desync or melee? ... ... well, i gonna wait 10.9 :(

Was really hoping for something for melee as well. Maybe it is more complex of an issue than I thought, but adding 12-15 health or 1-2% damage reduction to melee damage nodes can't be more than few clicks of the mouse.
Just wait for the patch notes guys
I have extra beta keys and I'm not giving them out

PoE1 > PoE2

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