If you already have hard hitting spell, why do you even need a CoC?
So now you have to do it other way around. Self cast comets to cast on crit winter orbs...
Posted bybaal6969#3641on Dec 11, 2024, 11:23:19 PM
my build is totaly unplayeble ty deveelopers why u nerfing thing without trying it so stupid of a decision! cast on freeze is nerfed to theg ground i cant play now literaly i can even make a lvl 1 char but fuck that fuck
Posted byIwishIwasu#4295on Dec 11, 2024, 11:26:30 PM
Expect changes, you moronic dumbshjt casuls. Boohoo they killed my build boohoo, what a joke you are. Your parents must be really proud of you whining on the forum of an early access game. Help it get better, don't behave like a child telling you'll quit because of a fking hotfix update that could be changed in a matter of hours.
Well, maybe it's a good idea that whining little casuls just quit, the whole environment will be much better like in PoE1, the game and the community don't need you. Go back to Fornite.
i agree with you. i think a free respec should be provided though.
Posted by666gene666#4947on Dec 11, 2024, 11:28:11 PM
but can u give the regret point?_?
Posted bytmy2v6#6494on Dec 11, 2024, 11:28:29 PM
The game was already so hard, now I clear half a map to get it to proc once... time to reroll for now I guess, reroll with gold was supposed to be a thing but uh... idk why it costs so much
#11 Shadow Nem =)
Posted byImpulse1991#1381on Dec 11, 2024, 11:28:30 PM
You guys are less than 1% of Diablo.
Posted byNick11#2409on Dec 11, 2024, 11:28:31 PM
fun is not allowed in this game, is there fix for pc freeze/crush on load screens?
Posted bydestrover#5287on Dec 11, 2024, 11:29:30 PM
Expect changes, you moronic dumbshjt casuls. Boohoo they killed my build boohoo, what a joke you are. Your parents must be really proud of you whining on the forum of an early access game. Help it get better, don't behave like a child telling you'll quit because of a fking hotfix update that could be changed in a matter of hours.
Well, maybe it's a good idea that whining little casuls just quit, the whole environment will be much better like in PoE1, the game and the community don't need you. Go back to Fornite.
Stop this nonsense, YOU are a moron. Its not a beta. A beta is an invitational access thats free.
We all paid real money to play this game, so we are all entitled to get value out of the dollars spent. We all expect changes to be made over the early access but they need to understand that this was NOT the way to handle it when you have hundreds of thousands of new eyes on your product which all those people paid real money for.
Posted byJpPoe2#4703on Dec 11, 2024, 11:30:19 PM
Expect changes, you moronic dumbshjt casuls. Boohoo they killed my build boohoo, what a joke you are. Your parents must be really proud of you whining on the forum of an early access game. Help it get better, don't behave like a child telling you'll quit because of a fking hotfix update that could be changed in a matter of hours.
Well, maybe it's a good idea that whining little casuls just quit, the whole environment will be much better like in PoE1, the game and the community don't need you. Go back to Fornite.
Man, it's kind of ironic for someone with only 14 challenges completed to be throwing out 'git gud' like they're the final boss of the community. A little self-awareness wouldn't hurt. Not to mention, talking about others 'whining' while delivering a tantrum-filled rant sprinkled with insults isn't exactly helping your credibility.
Maybe dial it back a bit, champ? Early access or not, constructive feedback > toxic rants any day.
Posted byjqnx#1898on Dec 11, 2024, 11:31:04 PM
You guys are less than 1% of Diablo.
Posted byxiaotang123#1604on Dec 11, 2024, 11:31:18 PM